Monday, August 17, 2015

Christ or the preacher?

I saw something today that challenged my ability not to reply to the person that made the statement. It was something written online…a poster of sorts…that said ‘I love my pastor.’ It was made up in an eye catching way, displayed to perfection, and encouraged the reader to respond if they, too, loved their pastor.

If we were talking about a general kind of I love everybody kind of statement it would be okay, if it was an I love this person kind of thing that would be okay. But that wasn’t the message this poster conveyed. Instead of being an I’m-a-Christian-so-I-love kind of thing, this was a my pastor is so great sort of statement. It was one of those statements that made me mentally cringe.

If Paul was your pastor…he’d be great. And you’d love him. But…he’d be the first person to tell you not to place him the he’s-so-great category. He was there to teach about Christ and nothing else.

John the Baptist said…

even he who comes after me, the strap of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie.” John 1:27

He essentially said I’m nothing. Christ is the one that you should give all the glory to, not me. I’m merely a man.

And yet today so many people ‘love’ their preacher. A good teacher of Scripture has his place. There are those I enjoy listening to. Certain preachers whose sermons I play online from time to time. But they are men. No higher in Christ’s sight than any other believer. We are to exalt Christ and Christ alone. We are to worship Christ and Christ alone.

Placing posters online…or anywhere…stating how much you like your preacher puts that man in the place of Christ.

How many people take what their preacher says as gospel? How many people follow their preachers teachings over what the Bible teaches, even when they know what he says goes against Scripture.

I remember my grandmother telling stories of the time the preacher came to their house when she was a girl. She was about 12 years old. She spoke of the work her mother put into getting the house clean, just so, for the preacher and his family. She spoke of the meal her mother prepared for their guests. Everything was to be perfect. Wanting to help, to do anything, to be a part of such an important event she asked if she could make a cake. With reluctance her mother allowed her to do so. Apparently the reluctance was due to the worry of how my young grandmother might spoil the house before the preacher arrived.

My great grandmother put such high regard on the preacher, on the fact that he was coming to visit that she went to great lengths to prepare for his arrival. The house was cleaned in his honor. A meal was prepared. Good dishes were set out. The children were told to be on their best behavior.

Because the preacher was coming. A feast was held in his honor. And the honor…it would seem…was that the preacher was taking his time to visit with the family.

In contrast…what was prepared for Christ when He came?

What was done for Christ by the person that posted a poster saying ‘I love my preacher’? Do they die to self to live for Him? Do they put His teachings above those of the preacher they exalt?

Who is their God? Is it Christ…or their preacher?

I don’t know the answer to those questions but I do know the feelings my grandmother conveyed as she told of being visited by the preacher. It was a treat. A blessing. A time of excitement and great anticipation. The preacher was coming!

Who was the God in their house that day? Christ…or the preacher?

Who is the God in your house? Christ…or the preacher?

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