Sunday, April 12, 2015

It just fits

There are some things that just fit when you try them on. You can walk into a shoe store and try on a hundred different pair of shoes and none of them feel right or you can pick up the first pair you come to, slide your feet into them, and feel as if they were made just for you.

Yesterday I went to the thrift store. I was there because my daughter needed shorts and my husband needed work pants. But while I was there I looked at other things too. One of the things I looked at was there book section. I do that just about every time I’m in that store. 99.9% of the time I don’t buy a single book but I look. Yesterday I spotted an old Bible on the shelf.

Old Bibles fascinate me for some reason. There are certain versions of the Bible, written long ago, that hold more interest for me than others, but just the fact that a Bible is old holds a certain kind of interest for me.

When I saw that Bible I immediately picked it up. Beyond the fact that it was a Bible there was nothing particularly special about this Bible. It wasn’t one of those super old family Bibles. It wasn’t a version that is hard to find. It was quite simply…a Bible.

Someone had written a date on the inside. It was from the 1940’s. So the age wasn’t even what I would consider extremely old. It was a Bible. A King James Bible. It had no pictures, no commentary. I don’t think it even had maps in it.

But when I picked it up…

It just fit.

It lay in my hands like it had been made to be there. When I opened it, it was like holding an old friend even though I had never touched that particular Bible before. To my surprise it had quite a number of notes written on the blank pages inside both the front and back covers.

Now I don’t get excited over a whole lot of things. I may be happy, I’m usually content but true excitement is something I feel very rarely. But yesterday I began to feel excited. Because this Bible had…

Notes in it.

Written in ink by the previous owner.

It was well used, well loved. The pages were coming out. One page was completely out and folded in half, tucked inside. As I flipped through the pages looking for any notes my budding excitement faded and drifted away. There were no notes on any of the pages, a few underlined passages but no notes.

You see…to me…one of the greatest treasures I could ever get would be a Bible filled with notes that someone else had written in the margins. Because that would be a treasure to me, even if the person that wrote the notes didn’t see Scripture the way I do, I took notes in a New Testament not all that long ago, filled the pages with my thoughts and notes, and sent it to a friend.

When I first saw those notes in the front of that Bible I had hopes that it would have notes throughout the Scriptures but it didn’t. Still…there was something about that Bible that made it just fit in my hands. It was a pleasure to simply stand there and hold it.

Because it fit.

It could have been made for my hands.

I have discovered that there are other things in life that just fit.

Things that feel like they were just made for me. Or me for them.

Marriage is one of those things. I find that being married, being a wife, brings with it a sense of completeness, a rightness, that just fits. I don’t have to try and make it work, don’t have to struggle to fit into the role.

It is as if I was made to be a wife.

There is something that is just right about being a wife that was never there when I wasn’t married.

It makes me happy.

It satisfies me.

It fulfills me.

It completes me.


It just fits.

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