Sunday, March 31, 2019

Why the unicorns?...Sin in 'good taste'

As spring approaches I've begun to notice something more and more. Unicorns, that supposed magical, mythical, creature, that is so rare as to be only a speculation on whether or not it ever existed, are popping up everywhere.

After a recent grocery shopping trip where I saw more unicorns than I could count I began to think on them. My thoughts turned to ads I've seen depicting unicorns. To kids clothes with unicorns. To...well, to unicorns and how they are gracing everything from clothes to cereal boxes, from makeup to...who knows what all else. And as I thought of that, just mentally tallying some of the places I have seen unicorns lately I began to wonder why. Why so many unicorns? Why are they being shoved on the population? Why does it feel like unicorns are now everywhere and what purpose is there in plastering them on everything?

Not too long ago I was telling my husband that rainbows, God's symbol of a covenant He made with His people, have become so popular that I don't think most people even realize the meaning behind them anymore.

It hasn't been all that many years ago that rainbows started being shoved down our throats as a way of furthering the homosexual agenda. The beautiful handiwork of God became the bright colored you-will-to-accept-this symbol of sin being paraded before us everywhere we turn.

And now rainbows are so prominent in American society that one can't venture anywhere without encountering one somewhere. So why have unicorns joined them?

That was the question on my mind. I recall unicorns a bit in my childhood. Their were unicorn toys and the occasional notebook or something with a unicorn on the cover, all aimed at young girls. Unicorns, like dolls and flouncy dresses, were a right of passage for little girls, something that passed through their lives at some point, meaning nothing but a fanciful plaything.

But I can't believe that this abundance of unicorns being shoved at us today has no meaning to it.

I inadvertently discovered that there is hidden meaning behind pineapples...yes, you know, that delicious fruit the Lord gave us, well, it turns out when it's plastered on clothing or other things there is a hidden meaning to it.

And so with that recent pineapple discovery on my mind I couldn't take the unicorn...dare I say, face value. It isn't just a few scattered toys and it's not just gracing clothing for little girls. It's in makeup, it's in things geared for adults. And more often than not it's accompanied by a rainbow, and not the kind God uses to show His promise to His people but the kind perverted to push sin on the world.

So I went looking, did a bit of internet searching, and came across all sorts of interesting, if disgusting, things about the unicorn. Things like the fact that it has satanic meanings. Like the fact that it symbolizes all sorts of things and not all of them being good. Like the fact that it stands for elusive, untouchable, unattainable women. Like the fact that it represents bisexual women. Like the fact that is somehow is tied to homosexuality and the whole gender identity crisis because it somehow represents being something unique and completely different.

I'm not going to claim to know what all it stands for. It seems like there are many different meanings behind it and I can't quite make heads or tails out of them all. I also don't know which one is the culprit behind this flood of unicorns we now have in everything.

Is it the elusive, mysterious, mystical creature that is so fascinating people because it represents the gender identity thing in our society? Is it because those that want to imagine themselves as something they are not can identify with this rare, mythical animal that is more fiction than real and they have grabbed onto it so hard because when one's mind is lost in their evil sins they still need to belong to something, to believe that they aren't an anomaly, aren't...something. And so here is the unicorn, a beautiful beast that they use to represent what they believe themselves to be?

Is it because unicorns and rainbows just go together?

Is it because the unicorn represents the bisexual woman? And if is it that they are appearing on things that are promoting other homosexual sins and not just that one?

Or is it because the unicorn represents an unattainable woman? I can almost find myself agreeing with that one. Almost. Women are not what they used to be. Or maybe I should say ladies have all but disappeared and women have taken their place.

I read a book in my teens. I remember nothing about the book except there was this one statement in it. It wasn't a pretty statement and I'm not going to repeat it word for word here because it wasn't a pretty statement. Instead I will repeat the meaning of it and leave anyone reading this to speculate on just what exactly the statement was. And yes, I can recall it word for word.

It said, ladies kiss up, women kick... Uh, there's no pretty way to word that. I guess it could be said that it meant ladies are useless and women get things done.

Whatever the wording it made a clear destinction between ladies and women and it was right only not for the reasons implied in that book. So I can almost agree with a lady being seen as a unicorn, a creature so rare and beautiful as to be all but extinct or nonexistant. Something so...delicate, to need and deserve protection and preservation. But somehow I don't see modern America embracing the idea that unicorns represent ladies that need care and protection.

Not when womanhood no longer represents a woman...yes, woman, not lady...needing any kind of care or protection. Not only do women today scorn that sort of thing but society looks down on any woman that might be seen to need something a man would not also need.

No...unicorns aren't being pushed on us as a way to try to bring women back to being ladies.

So why the shove of this single horned horse?

I guess we could go with the easy answer and just grab onto the fact that they have satanic meaning. After all, anything satanic is the worshiping of satan, the god of this earth, the god of sin, and all those embracing and promoting sin are worshiping satan, their god, whether they realize it or not.

 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.  John 8:44 KJV

With that explanation at least it covers everything. Whatever the true hidden agenda behind the unicorn is, it's all evil, all promoting some form of sin, and I suppose to say it's the satanic meaning would be like throwing a blanket statement over the whole thing. 

Needless to say I never did uncover an exact explanation for the unicorns being shoved at us from every angle. They cover baby clothes, they show up in toys and shoes, they coat kids clothing, they are now in our food and even in craft supplies. There seems to be few if any places that they are not showing up and there has to be a reason for it. 

These are not just the latest fad, there is something deeper here but I wasn't able to uncover one clear motive. Either way, whatever the reason, it's being shoved at us as if it is the most desired thing in the world, and maybe it is because people today seem to see evil as good and can't seem to see true evil.

I'm not saying the unicorn is evil, it's never been a good thing, but I'm not calling it evil. That definition would have to be determined by what it's representing...I suppose. 

And so I'm left wondering exactly what the hidden agenda behind unicorns is. What I do know, though, is that sin is now paraded before us as being something good, or as the man I wrote about in a recent post called it 'in good taste' and is therefore so prevalent that many today are doing what is popular without necessarily even knowing or caring what it is that they promote. It is simply, for some at least, the popular thing and because it's popular they covet it. 

For others there is a deeper, more sinful reason behind the things they do and the things they push on others, like the man themed craft swap that one man took it upon himself to give it an 'lbgt twist'. I must say twist is the right word, or rather, twisted is. Just as the way we are having meanings and agendas shoved at us through hidden ways that aren't so hidden. They plaster rainbows, God's beautiful rainbows, on everything and if we unknowingly or innocently wear something with one on it than we are screaming our acceptance and support of the homosexual sin for all the world to see. Now we have other things that scream meanings we may be totally unaware of...pineapples...unicorns...

What else must we see and think beyond the obvious and even do research to make sure that we aren't accidentally promoting sin? Because today when good is evil and evil is good...we are bombarded by sin that is in 'good taste' and therefore is flaunted before all as being a wonderful thing.

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