Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Encounter with a dragonfly

Today I set on the swing in our yard and had the privilege of an up close encounter with a dragonfly. It joined me not just for a fleeting second but for many long minutes. Not only did it sit beside me, resting on the chain of the swing, but it sat very close to eye level for me, then it was nice enough to fly around in circles for me and land again in pretty much the same spot but in a slightly different position so that I could view it from all angles.

And I took full advantage of the opportunity to do so. Until recently I saw dragonflies much the way I did butterflies…beautiful and friendly bugs. But then one day my daughter picked one up and got bit and we learned that they’re not only pretty but can cause an uncomfortable encounter if you try to hold them. Today I saw them in yet a different way. Up close. I examined…without touching…its very large eyes, what I assumed to be its nose. I watched it open and close its mouth. Looked at all four of its legs and discovered it had what looked like miniature legs beside its mouth…feelers?...what amounts to hands?...I assume they’re there to help it eat but I really don’t know. I saw the many different colors that make up its body, the joints in its tail, its see through wings.

And as I observed this little critter that shared a part of its day with me…I saw the wonder of my Lord’s creation.

There before me, not just in existence, but in the fact that it was sitting so close at the right height for me to observe and then it flew around and repositioned itself enough times for me to see it from all angles. It was only a few moments in what was a rather busy day but it was time spent in wonder and amazement for me.

If someone had observed me I probably looked much like a toddler discovering something that fascinates them. I was basically lost in my own world…and the world of a dragonfly. For that brief amount of time it was me and it.

I did try and share the experience with my daughters but they reminded me that dragonflies aren’t good bugs. One went so far as to tell me it was an evil bug. So back to my own world I went.

Happily I observed the little bug that was sharing itself with me. It seemed to be unafraid even when I all but touched it. It was almost like it was studying me as I studied it. Maybe it was.

I can’t help but think…as I often do…how much went into creating just one creature on this earth. That dragonfly had beautiful colors, wings that looked like they shouldn’t hold it up but did, eyes that took up most of its head… I could go on and one. In one creature, one bug, so much went into making it. So many details.

And for what?

What purpose does any one creature on earth serve? Why did the Lord put them here? All of creation was made for us. For our use and enjoyment.

I don’t know what purpose a dragonfly has. I don’t know if it has a certain job the way a honey bee does. But I know they bring enjoyment to my life. I like to look at their colors, to see them flit around the yard.

It may be that our pleasure is the only job these little, and not so little, bugs have or they may have a job I don’t know about. So often I encounter bugs I wish weren’t here…spiders, ticks, flys, gnats…but today I was given an up close encounter with one that I very much enjoyed…even if it does bite and even if my daughter does think it’s an evil bug.

It was a blessing to me to share that space of time with one of the Lord’s creatures.




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