There's been a whole lot of talk, news stories, articles, and general upheaval over immigrants into America lately. Some people are all for keeping America's borders wide open and allowing anyone in that wants to be here, some are for allowing certain people in, and some are for not allowing anyone in. And I'm sure there are others that have other thoughts on the matter of which I know nothing about.
But I've seen and heard so much on this topic lately. President Trump put a temporary ban on people from a handful of countries coming into America and it seems like everything just sort of became a free for all of people talking, complaining and giving thanks both online and in real life.
I've seen many, many things that say that Christians should want to allow others into our country. I've seen online and even been told that if Jesus were alive today He would not be welcome in America, that He was in fact a refugee.
I haven't heard the reasoning behind that but I think it probably has something to do with either
his nationality or all the times he, or his parents, had to flee a certain area, making Him a 'refugee'. I have heard someone speak on that, quite a while before this whole refugee ban went into effect. I wish now I could remember what they said. It was something to the effect of Jesus was never a refugee because He never actually fled a land but moved from place to place staying in the same general area, much like moving from town to town within the same state.
I don't know how accurate it would be to say Christ was a refugee. He did flee from certain groups of people, moving from somewhere that did not embrace what He was teaching to a more welcoming place. I do know that it is believed that Christ never traveled very far in His entire life, and in fact we can trace His journeys, or a good part of them anyway, by reading the Gospels with a biblical map in hand.
Being told that Christ would not be welcome in America was both amazing and almost laughable at the same time. First of all, Christ was basically not welcomed in the world at the time He walked the earth. Sure, there were those that welcomed Him, wanted Him, followed Him, even chased after Him but there were many more that did not want Him and were against what He was teaching. If He had been welcome in the world...He would not have been crucified.
What land opened it's doors to Him? What people took Him in and kept Him safe from harm? Over His entire lifetime there were very few and in the end none that kept Him safe on earth.
And second, well, the issue at stake here isn't whether or not all people are welcome in America but whether or not Muslims are welcome in America. There are those that would have us welcome them and their beliefs with open arms despite the fact that American laws ban them from living in the United States. We have laws that say that anyone against the American government cannot be allowed to enter our country and yet our country has been allowing people that are against American's in by the thousands. That is the issue. Christ would not have been affected by the current presidential ban on refugees because 1) He wasn't a refugee, and 2) he wasn't Muslim.
I'm well aware of the fact that I'm simplifying things here. That's because I have a much broader topic for this post than whether or not Christ would have been welcome in America. But I cannot get to that topic before first addressing this one.
And so we are being bombarded with the issue of whether or not America should allow refugees into our country, and whether or not Muslims should be allowed in our country. And in the midst of that bombardment are the people that want to feel sorry for the Muslims and let them in because their country is at war, because there is bombing going on where they live, because they aren't safe for any number of reasons in their country, and because they are people and we should embrace them as such treating them exactly the same as every other person on earth and just as we would want to be treated.
I will admit that I'm sure many of them do not want to stay in their countries, that they don't feel safe there, that they want away from the wars and the violence. I can even see that at least some of them probably do need a safe country to go to. But I have to wonder why that country needs to be America? Why do they even want to come to America? We aren't a Muslim country and we don't, overall, welcome their faith and their beliefs. There are Muslim countries that aren't at war. Why aren't they seeking refuge there? Wouldn't they be happier in countries that share their faith, their beliefs, their lifestyles, their traditions?
Then there is the other side, the side that says don't let them in and send the ones that are already here back. And they have valid points for what they want. History has shown us that Muslims, as a whole, cannot be trusted. We're told we shouldn't have Islamaphobia or Muslimphobia or whatever name they want to put on it but the reality is that I've met very few people that actually have a phobia of Muslims or Islam. Most people simply have the good sense to look at history and at current events and to be able to deduce for themselves that Americans, especially Christians, should be leery of Muslims.
But even if people are afraid of Muslims...wouldn't it be for a good reason? Hasn't history shown us that they aren't a peaceable people? Aren't there Muslims killing other people for no better reason than the fact that they aren't Muslim, or they are Christian, in other countries?
And it's like this great big merry go round that never seems to come to a stop. People pushing and pulling, yelling and writing, arguing and crying over whether or not to let foreigners into America. But it's worse. Way, way worse. Because in the midst of that, on both sides, I guess, are the people that say that these are God's people and that Christians should welcome all people with open arms. They ask how any Christian can want to ban anyone from our country, how any Christian can want to leave people in danger in other countries.
But where is the reason in all that?
I get that there are people living in war torn countries that are not safe in their homes. People that have nowhere safe to go. Kids that are loosing their parents to war. Parents that are watching their children die from the effects of war. Newborn babies being born in violence.
But here's the thing...these are not, for the most part, a peaceful people. Those kids...I've seen video footage of their five year olds wielding guns and shouting death threats. Those are not innocent children that we should open our hearts and homes to. Do you really want a five year old that has been taught to hate (to the point of killing them) white people or to hate Americans, or to hate Christians, or to hate any other group of people, to go to school with your five year old? Do you trust that child alone with your child? Is your child safe on the playground? Is your child safe in the far corner of the classroom, walking the halls, or in the cafeteria.
Those adults that grew up in that culture...they don't share your values, they don't share America's values. They don't share our culture. And yet they are moving into our country, putting their children in our schools, building their Mosques, buying up stores, hotels, and even becoming our doctors.
Do we want people that grew up in a culture that teaches them not only to hate but to kill everyone that doesn't share their beliefs to hold the key to the hotel room we sleep in? Do we want them administering medication to us? Do we want them operating on our children?
There's reason for you. There's only a small example of how the 'poor refugees' from the war torn country are moving into our country. But they don't just move here and become one of us. They keep their religion, keep their customs. Keep their ingrained beliefs and they bring them to America and they are like a virus that starts on the inside and slowly spreads until it overtakes everything in it's path.
Years ago, years and years ago, I watched a movie that I can't even recall the name of now. It was a movie I wouldn't sit through five minutes of today but back then I watched it. Once. In that movie aliens invaded earth. And they took over. Guess how? Not through the aliens that landed on earth but through reproducing. They used people on earth to...plant their babies, I guess. They somehow put their alien babies inside humans and those babies incubated there, growing and getting stronger, until they were ready to come into the world, then they clawed their way out of the person, killing the 'host' and going their own way to live their alien life. Soon there were more aliens on earth than there were people.
That's a movie and it's a gruesome example of the point I'm trying to make. I'm sorry for that. But think about it for just a moment. Think of what happens when any group of people moves into a land. If there are enough of them sooner or later they will have children, they will mingle and possibly mate with the native people, they will grow in population. How long before they must either become a part of the land they live in or...they overtake the land they live in?
I heard a man say that Muslims are now reproducing at a rate of eight to one in America. Eight Muslim babies are being born for every one white baby being born. I haven't seen any statistics on that, any proof that it's true, but what if it is? Or what if they are simply reproducing at a rate of one Muslim baby for every white baby? In what? 20 years they will equal or outweigh the younger generation of white people. And no, I'm not speaking of white people over any other ethnic American group, that just happens to be the race I heard the statement about.
And even if we take in all other American eight to one, Muslim to White...that puts them at what? Four to one for all Americans? One to one? Any way you look at it they will soon outnumber all Americans except for the so-called Muslim Americans. Which, by the way, is like saying up is also down all at the same time. Muslims have their own way of life and that life is anti-American. How then can we have a Muslim American?
I am not racist. I do not have anything against any one group of people. I do, however, have the sense to see that American's cannot peacefully coexist with a people that hate American's. I can also see that Christians cannot peacefully coexist with a people that hate Christians. I can even see that the very people so desperately crying for Muslims to be allowed into our country are the same people so desperately crying for homosexuals to be given equal status to everyone else, to be affirmed and accepted in their lifestyle...and I can see that Muslims kill homosexuals. It is part of their beliefs, part of their culture, part of what makes them who they are.
They do not have to be radical to hold to those beliefs just as someone does not have to be reformed to believe in Christ.
And yet we have people, even self professing 'Christians' that are crying out to allow Muslims into our country by the boat and plane load. They want to give them a safe place to go. They want to embrace them and 'love' them and let them know they are equal here. They claim that all people are God's people.
That's not what Scripture says. Scripture says that God loves some and hates some. It says that only a select set of people are God's people. What does that make the others?
I'm not saying there can't be Christians in Muslim countries. I'm sure there are. I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't more real Christians in those countries than there are in America. Why? Because in a country where you are persecuted, even to the point of death, you are way less likely to try to claim to be something you aren't, you're less likely to profess something because it sounds good, whether to you or to others. You're less likely to claim to be a part of something for the status it gives you or the connections you can make. When your life is at likely are you to fake it or even to feel it in a superficial way?
But in America we have scores and scores of 'Christians' that do not live or act in any way close to what the Scriptures say a Christian is. They profess to be 'Christians' because it's easy and because in most cases it's a status symbol. They are just as much a fan of this, or a member of that. Their faith is, in many cases, all for show. Because that's an American 'Christian'.
Have these self professing 'Christians' never read any of their Bible? Have they not seen how the Lord punished a land, or a people, by sending in a group of other people? Have they not seen that judgement was passed on one land, and carried out, through another lands people infiltrating their land and wiping them out? Those infiltrating people either killed everyone or they killed the men and took the women and children as their own.
This is judgement on a nation.
Can the self professing 'Christians' that want so much to do the 'Christian' thing, to be the good 'Christian', to do 'what God would want them to do', not see that they are helping the judgement arrive on their doorsteps?
If the Lord decides to send judgement our way, and why wouldn't He, America wallows in sin and flaunts it like this is the devils own playground, which it is, but if the Lord sends judgment on our nation, and I believe He already has, then we can do nothing to stop it. But shouldn't anyone claiming to be a 'Christian' be able to see how things worked in their Bible and understand the dangers of welcoming those from a foreign land?
The people that they claim are God's people aren't God's people if they're living against the Lord. The people that are seen as innocents in need of help aren't so innocent when they grew up in a culture that teaches to kill and destroy any people that aren't of their beliefs.
There was a time when all people were the same, at least in language. What happened to that time? The people tried to build a tower to heaven. Remember? It's known as the tower of Babel and its when and where God scattered people, confusing their speech so that they no longer all spoke the same language. He separated them into their own groups, placing them in different lands, seeing to it that they could no longer speak to people of other lands.
If he separated them...there must have been a reason.
Then throughout Scripture we see that He used one group of people to destroy another. He used these people to carry out His judgement on those people. They entered a foreign land, brought with them their beliefs and their traditions, they maimed and killed, raped and pilfered, until they controlled the land.
I saw something today, a news article, that I cannot vouch for the validity of and I cannot tell you what the story said but I can tell you about the headline. That headline spoke of how Muslims move into a country not to assimilate but to control. They may settle in, may seem to be a part of the new country but they hang onto their beliefs and their traditions and their culture, they teach their children in their ways even as they learn the ways of the country they are in until one day they have grown in number and until they reach whatever point they are awaiting and then they take over the country. It is their way. It is their faith. It is their belief.
There was another news article that supposedly showed a Muslim man warning America of the agenda behind the Muslims moving to our country. I didn't watch the video and if there was a written article I didn't read it. I just saw the headline. I don't know if it was from a reliable source or not.
But...I don't need a news article to tell me what Scripture shows me. I don't need to hear it straight from a Muslim to know what the Lord has told me in His word. Being infiltrated and overrun by people of another land has been used repeatedly in Scripture to judge and overthrow a nation. Anyone that's ever read their Bible, or even part of it, cannot deny that simple fact.
And American's are wanting to embrace those from another nation. To throw our doors wide and welcome them like long lost family members. To believe that they have every right to practice their beliefs in America because after all, 'America isn't a Christian country' and to hear some tell it, it never was.
Oh, but it was. When Indians lived here without any foreigners, maybe it wasn't but once the settlers started coming, whether they came from Spain, Mexico, England, or wherever, they were Christians. They may have come from different denominational beliefs but they were Christians. I've heard that Christopher Columbus was Reformed. Those from Mexico were often Catholic. The Pilgrims were reformed. I'm sure there were other denomination beliefs but they all believed in Christ.
America was never a melting pot of religions. And really, if we want to think back to when America was settled...Christians moved into America and overtook the Indians. I'm not saying it was right or what happened to them was good came the foreigners and out went the natives ability to rule and govern themselves. White men married, kidnapped, raped and murdered the natives. Sure, many of them did the same to the white settlers but look who won, look who conquered. It wasn't those native to this land. It was the foreigners that settled here.
And America stayed a predominantly Christian country until sometime in the mid 1900s. And now here we are, with our own people having a fit to let foreigners into our country. How long before they fill our land and overtake our people. How long before America becomes a Muslim country?
How long before God uses the ungodly to overthrow what has stopped being a Christian country?
How long before God sends full judgement on America?
Mr. Gern, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, posed a question to his Iraqi counterparts, asking them what fate might befall him if he were to travel alone amongst the local citizenry.
ReplyDeleteTheir frank response was chilling, and further supported executive orders signed by President Trump, placing a moratorium on immigration and travel from Iraq and similar regions.
“I work currently in Iraq, which is one of the countries that’s on the list,” begins Gern. “Obviously, in the United States, a lot is going on – and over here, this is a lot going on, as well, just a lot of things y’all don’t see.”
“The other morning, we were having a discussion on the executive order, and a lot of the Iraqis showed their displeasure in this executive order, and why they feel like they’ve been betrayed by the United States.”
Gern clarifies that he is not presenting a partisan argument about his own feelings on Trump’s policies, but rather the contrast of how Iraqis view and treat Americans.
“So, I listened to what they had to say, and after they were done yelling and screaming about their opinion on things, I asked a simple question, and I got an answer to that simple question, and I got it without hesitation.” continues Gern. “My simple questions was, ‘As an American, if I went out in town right now, would I be welcome?'”
“They answered me, and said, ‘Absolutely not, you would not be welcome.’ And I said, ‘Okay, what would happen if I went in town?'”
“They said the locals would snatch me up and kill me within an hour. I would be tortured first, and after they were done torturing me, I would probably be beheaded. It would go on video for everybody to see as an example.”
Gern reveals that he already knew the answers to his question, but wanted to hear it directly from the mouths of Iraqis as confirmation regarding the danger posed by average Iraqis – not just trained terrorists – to Westerners.
“The point I’m trying to make is – this is the local populace that would do this. This isn’t ISIS. This isn’t al-Qaeda,” he explains. “So, my question to them was pretty simple after that.”
“‘If you would do this to me, in your country, why would I let you in my country? All this means to me is that if you had the opportunity to take the life of an American, you would do it.'”
Gern returns to addressing the viewers, specifically those who oppose Trump’s executive order and feel that all who wish to enter the United States should be allowed to do so without restriction.
“Maybe that’s something y’all need to think about back there. If this is the way some of these cultures feel… about Americans, why would you be so naive to believe that, if they came to the United States, they would do anything any different than what they would do right here in their own country?”
“I’m just trying to inform you about what’s actually happening on the ground in one of the ‘banned countries’ – something you should probably think about.”
“I can’t go out in town here. Why should they go out in town in my country?”
Isreal was sent as God's judgment on the Cananites. In turn He sent other nations against Isreal when they were disobedient.
ReplyDeleteQuran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"