I recently wrote a post titled ‘The role of
a wife.’ In it I went into Titus 2 but I only touched on certain parts of it.
As I wrote it there was a part I wanted to go into more detail on but the time
for that didn’t seem right. I’m going to do that now.
women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much
wine. They are to teach what is good, 4 and so train the young women to
love their husbands and children, 5 to
be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own
husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. Titus 2:3-5
That is the ESV version of the verses but
for me…with these verses…I find it helpful to look also to the KJV because it
is worded just a bit different.
aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false
accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
4 That
they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love
their children,
5 To
be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands,
that the word of God be not blasphemed.
We are to teach the young women…to love
their husbands.
Exactly how can we teach anyone how to love
another? I have a daughter that says she doesn’t want to be the kind of wife
that I am. She thinks that my marriage is too…something. She…at this point in
her unmarried life…has in mind to be more of the kind of wife that has her life
while her husband has his. And who knows she may be that kind of wife.
But…how am I supposed to teach her to love
the husband she doesn’t yet have? I’ve always taught my girls that whether
they’re married or not they are somebody’s wife. That they should remember that
in all they do. That there will come a day when the Lord will bring them and
their husband-to-be together and until then…with or without him being a part of
their lives…they belong to him.
I’ve shown my girls by example what being a
wife is. I’ve talked of what it isn’t.
And still…my daughter says she doesn’t want
the kind of marriage I have. I pray the Lord gives her one anyway. She can’t
understand what she’s saying she doesn’t want.
But…so much teaching goes on through the
example we set. I used to have neighbors that with only a few minutes in their
company everyone around knew that the wife ruled the home…and her husband. He
literally ran to do her bidding. Another set of neighbors in that same block
was a married couple that fought near constantly. The wife spread all sorts of
stories about her husband everywhere she went. I never heard her say anything
nice about her husband. Another set of neighbors…same block…screamed and yelled
at each other in the front yard.
Those were three couples. Three marriages.
Within one block. What were those wives teaching the younger women? All three
of those wives had daughters, two of them had preteen and teenaged daughters.
What were those wives teaching their young daughters? The third of those wives
was no longer raising children…her children were grown…but she was still an
example to the daughters she had raised. And she was an example to every
younger woman that crossed her path.
These were three women…three married
women…that all taught younger women about marriage if in no other way than
through the example they lived in their own marriages. How could they teach
anyone to love their husbands when they didn’t show any of that love to their
own husbands…at least not in a way others could see?
I’ve heard many times that a lot of parents
teach their kids to ‘do as I say not as I do’ but the reality is that
everything we do sets an example for others. My mother likes to quote something
her grandpa used to say…your walk talks and your talk talks but your walk talks
louder than your talk talks. In other words…you can say anything but if you don’t
live it out what you say has no purpose. You set the examples by what you do.
What you say only factors in if it supports what you do.
We can’t teach our children not to lie if
they hear us tell lies every day. In the same way we can’t teach younger women
to love their husbands if we don’t love our own husband. And show it.
Whether he’s there or not.
I read an article last night that was
speaking about the more intimate side of marriage but there was one part where
it warned wives not to speak of their husbands shortcomings in front of others.
I try never to speak badly of my husband
even to myself but this was a reminder as I read it. I learned many years ago
that we can notice and focus on the good things in a person or the bad things
in a person. What we focus on will have an effect on our relationship…whatever
it may be…with that person. If all we see is the bad…it will ruin the
relationship. If we focus on the good…it will strengthen the relationship.
And so…we are to teach younger women to
love their husbands. I will admit that I have no idea how to teach that. The
only thing I can figure is that we are to teach by example. If we love our
husbands, if we respect him, if we appreciate him…and we show it to him and
everyone else…maybe that will be the example that will teach younger women to
love their husbands.
Ephesians 5:33 says….
the wife see that she respects her husband.
If we respect our husbands maybe…maybe…we
will teach younger women by example how to love their husbands.
I’ve heard and read many times that kids
will model their marriages after their parents’ marriage. How mom treated dad
is often how daughter treats her husband. Or so I’ve heard. In the day to day
of family living we set many examples for our children that we don’t even realize.
We show our husband and children how we
feel about them through the tone of our voice and our actions toward them. I’ve
noticed that when I talk to my husband on the phone my voice changes. It takes
on a tone that I don’t use with anyone else. I don’t do it on purpose it
just…happens. Every time.
That tone…tells me…my love shows through in
the way I speak to my husband.
Those around me…including our children…may
or may not notice the difference. Whether they do or not has no bearing on me
doing it. I don’t change the way I speak when I talk to him on the phone on
purpose. It’s one of those things that just happens and because it just
happens…it’s just there. It just…is.
But it’s also one of those little things
that sets an example for our children whether or not I’m aware of it…and even
if the children aren’t aware of it. The example is set simply because it’s
lived out.
In the same way I almost always greet my
husband on the front porch or in our driveway when he comes home. I do this
because I miss him when he isn’t home and because I’m genuinely glad that he’s
home. I want to see him, to tell him hello, to just be with him. So when he
comes home I go meet him but in doing so our children see that. They see that I
set aside what I was doing when he pulls into the yard…and they come running to
let me know he’s home just in case I might have missed his arrival.
fact that they run to let me know he’s home tells me that they’ve picked up on
the way I set everything aside to greet him when he comes home. I’ve never told
them it was important to greet your husband when he comes home…I haven’t had
to. They see me do it every time my husband comes home.
I recently read an article on marriage in a
‘Christian’ magazine. The article was very good. It was full of information on
marriage in our modern world and then went to Scripture to tell what marriage
should be like. Everytime I read the verse that says that older women are to
teach younger women to love their husbands I wonder just how we are supposed to
do that. There is no curriculum that can be written to teach a young woman…or
any woman…how to love her husband. There is no check list of things that we can
instill in our daughters to ensure that they will love their husbands.
How…exactly…are we supposed to teach
younger women to love their husbands?
I just don’t know. And yet…
I think of the article I read and how it
said marriage has become a laughingstock. It is the brunt of many jokes. Where
marriage was once seen and portrayed as a good thing…today so many people…so
many wives…speak ill of it without thinking. Or they represent marriage in a
poor light by their actions and attitude.
Everytime a woman says she doesn’t want to
be married…she is possibly influencing a younger woman.
Everytime a wife speaks ill of her
husband…she is possibly influencing a younger woman.
I think of the many rolled eyes I have seen
in young women when the subject of marriage has come up. I think of the
conversations I’ve heard where women speak of marriage in a ‘someday’ kind of
When I was in my teens and early twenties I
remember how men were tagged with the label of ‘Peter Pan syndrome’ if they
didn’t want to settle down and be a…man. They were stuck in what was seen as
Neverland because they wanted to stay little boys forever. At least they wanted
the freedom of living life free of any responsibility.
I haven’t heard that term used in years but
I can think of women that should wear that same label today. They speak
derogatorily about marriage preferring to be ‘free’ or ‘live their own life’. It
used to be mostly irresponsible men…the kind that wouldn’t have made good
husbands anyway…that expressed those kinds of thoughts. But like a disease that
way of thinking has spread into females and is being exposed to younger and
younger ‘victims’.
And as that ‘disease’ spreads to an ever
wider and more varied population I wonder if the teaching of younger
women…teaching them to love their husbands…couldn’t be spread in much the same
Only…there’s a problem with that…you see
there is a ‘disease’ that has run rampant in America today. This ever growing,
highly contagious ‘disease’ has been spread so far and wide that it’s nearly
impossible to combat. There seems to be no treatment for the ‘disease’ and
there appears to be no end to the epidemic that is spreading faster than a
forest fire.
Our society has so filled the minds and
hearts of young women with the idea that there is so much better in life than
to be a wife that no matter how hard we try to combat that ‘disease’, its much
like trying to stop a flood with a washrag.
There was a time when television portrayed
marriage as a very good thing. Shows that had the parents not only working
together for the good of the family but that showed marriages in which the
couple truly seemed to enjoy each other.
In time those shows gave way to married
couples that not only seemed to care little for their families but that both
the husband and the wife hardly appeared to even like each other. Marriage was
depicted as more of a battle ground then a wondrous, safe place.
The problem with hoping society could ever
teach marriage as a good thing is the very fact that marriage, whether it’s
seen as good or not, isn’t seen as something that is forever. It’s something
people do because…well, because they do…and it lasts until it gets hard and
then divorce is an option. That is the best idea our society gives to young
people today.
Christian women are told to teach something
different to young women. In a world where the ‘disease’ of bad marriages is
spread like an epidemic Christians women are told to teach younger women to
love their husbands. I can’t begin to figure out how to teach anyone to love
another person. But that is what I’m told to do.
How do we even tell someone how love is
much less teach them how to love another? I don’t know the answer to that but I
do know there is a place we can go to find out the very principles of marriage.
In a society where the very definition of
marriage is being rewritten we can go to the Source of marriage and see a
different purpose for marriage. We can see that we are given not only the basis
for what it is but we can see and understand the very laws that govern it.
Yes, there are laws involved in marriage.
Those laws were written by the One that
created the first marriage and each and every marriage after that. I may not
know how to teach my daughter to love her husband but I can tell her where to
find the source of marriage and the laws that govern it.
I can point her to Genesis and the first
marriage. I can remind her that the Lord created her for her husband. I can
tell her that marriage isn’t a legal contract…no matter that our society
requires that we enter into such a contract with our husbands…but a covenant
agreement with her husband and the Lord.
I can show her through Scripture, through
my words, and through my marriage that marriage is a holy and sacred union.
That in that union she as a wife has a certain role that she needs to fill and
it isn’t just in the wearing of the title of wife. The role isn’t in the title
but in her place within the marriage.
I can show her with Scripture and with my
own life how to live out that role. Much the way I show her how to be a mother
in my interactions with her…I can show her how to be a wife as I live out my
role of wife before her.
In our modern world where society as a
whole tends to lean toward the thinking that people control all…marriage is but
one of the things that is often seen as controlled by people. But people did
not create marriage, they do not make marriage, they do not define marriage.
The Lord created marriage when He created Eve. He made the first marriage then
and He has made each marriage since then. It is the Lord that defines marriage.
Scripture tells us that…male and female he
created them. It tells us that…a man shall leave his father and mother and
cleave to his wife. It goes further to tell us that…man should love his wife as
Christ loved the church…and that woman…should submit to her husband as to the
There is the definition for marriage. It is
the who of marriage and the how of marriage.
Because marriage is created by the Lord, it is only the Lord
that can show us how to succeed in marriage. He has a plan for marriage and He
laid out the roles for each person within their marriage. When a couple lives
within those roles they reap the benefits of the Lord’s creation. If both
people are in Christ and live for Christ…and in so doing they live out their
role within their marriage as Scripture lays out…they receive the blessing of a
Christ honoring marriage.
This is the way to love our husbands. Scripture says wives
are to respect their husbands, it says they are to submit to their husbands as
unto the Lord.
I was sitting in a ‘church’ building with a family member
about a year ago and the preacher used some verses from Ephesians 5. I don’t
remember the verses but I do remember that in showing them to my younger
relative, she read the verse about wives submitting to their husbands. This
relative…a self-proclaimed Christian…wrinkled up her nose and shook her head
no. Just moments before that she had been studiously writing down other Bible
verses but when she came to the part about submitting to her husband she
vehemently refused to do so. In just a few seconds time she eagerly accepted
some of Scripture and adamantly refused another part.
She picked and chose what of Scripture…I believe all on
marriage…that she wanted to accept.
Just that easily she dismissed what she didn’t like and
grabbed onto what she did. There was no opportunity to teach this younger woman
that submitting to her husband is loving him. There was no chance to explain
that submission is honoring to Christ and to her husband. There was no chance
to explain anything. There was just a very real example of exactly what our
world…what a good number of ‘Christians’ believe about marriage.
They pick and chose what they want and discard the rest…in
Scripture and in marriage. There is so much in Scripture and it’s all so very
good when taken just as it is without adding any of our ideas to it or removing
parts because our fallen human hearts and minds may not like what it says…but
if I was going to pick only two rules for marriage from Scripture they would
Husbands love your wives…Ephesians 5:25
Wives submit to your husbands… Ephesians 5:22
I would never pull from only those two partial verses but if
I was to pick and choose those would be the two I would chose for marriage.
Because all the rest could so easily be placed within those two ‘rules’ for
I think of the young woman that sat beside me and wrinkled
up her nose at the very thought of submitting to her husband. In our society
that is the very idea that is ‘spread’ among women today. Women don’t want to
think about submitting to their husbands, some of them never even entertain the
Most women today have been raised on the idea that they are
at least equal to men if not superior to them. Very few wives today become
wives having any idea of the concept of being submissive to their husbands.
I remember seeing my grandmother time and time again argue
with and flat out defy my grandpa. This happened for as long as I can remember.
My main memories of my grandparents together as a couple are of them arguing
and of them exchanging quick kisses when they parted company.
My children and grandchildren see my husband and I take
walks hand in hand, they see us walk through town the same way, they see us sit
together on the couch, study the Bible together, sit on the swing or the porch
together. These are the memories I want our children and grandchildren to have
when they think of my husband and I as a couple.
This is the way I want to teach younger women to love their
husbands. Through example. I want to show them that marriage isn’t the eye
rolling subject of jokes and derision. I want them to see through me that
marriage is a wonderful, worthy, honorable, holy union that should be upheld
and desired.
That is the teaching I want to impart to younger women.
That is the message I want to pass to them.
That is the legacy of love I wish to impart as I teach them
to love their husbands. Because I can’t think of any greater way to teach
someone to love their husband than by showing them what that love looks like in
all I do with my own husband.
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