As I was reading something written by someone that is
reformed, I came across something that made me smile. They said that prior to
their conversion…their salvation…they were ‘a professional leaf’, talking about
being blown by every wind of doctrine. I smiled because the description could
so accurately apply to so many ‘Christians’ of today.
Years ago I had a passing acquaintance with a woman that was
what is called a professional student. This woman was in her thirties and had been
going to college for about ten years. And she hadn’t earned a single degree.
She would come within about a year of completing a degree and change her mind
about ‘what she wanted to be.’
Seeing that description of ‘professional leaf’ reminded me
of that woman and her happy status as professional student. She was content to
spend all her days going to college, seeking degrees that she never quite
completed. And as I made the connection between that woman and the ‘professional
leaf’ ‘Christians’ I can easily see how they might blow from doctrine to
doctrine happily.
I once babysat for someone that told me she decided to take
her children to ‘church’ once so she just picked a ‘church’ and took them
there. As she explained it to me, it made no difference which ‘church’ she went
to so it didn’t matter which one she picked. I guess for her, it was about
exposing her children to ‘church’ and one was as good as another for that
And I guess, if you think about it, in a way, for the
unregenerate, one ‘church’ really is the same as another. If they know not
Christ…does it matter what ‘church’ they attend? Even if they believe that they
are ‘Christians’.
Often, for the professing ‘Christian’, ‘church’ is about a
denomination. It is the ‘this’ kind of ‘church’ and they pick the kind of ‘church’
much the way a person shops for a certain brand of clothing, food, or toilet
My grandmother was a ‘Baptist’. I can’t recall her ever
attending a ‘church’ that didn’t wear the label of ‘Baptist.’ For her, ‘church’
wasn’t right if it wasn’t ‘Baptist’. In fact, she barely recognized that there
were any ‘churches’ beyond the Baptist ‘churches. There were ‘Baptists’ and
there were all the others.
For many years I had a tendency to discount Roman
Catholicism as ‘Christians’. I would lump the other ‘Christian’ denominations
under the title of ‘Christian,’ but to me, Roman Catholicism was something
outside that description.
When I would discount Roman Catholics from ‘Christianity’, a
relative of mine would promptly remind me that Roman Catholics are ‘Christians’.
At which point I would say, yes, but… And, if only in my mind, I would list the
reasons why they didn’t fit the same description. And I would think of how ‘Christianity’
should be labeled differently for Roman Catholics than for all the others.
My grandmother was one of those people that was never blown
by all winds of doctrine. She absorbed the Baptist doctrine and to her it was
the only doctrine there was. I’m not sure which is…worse. Being blown by all
winds or grabbing onto one and never letting go. At least those that are blown
by different doctrines are exposed to different kinds of thinking…different
beliefs…and maybe, just maybe, they are exposed to different parts of
Scripture, that might, maybe, be the seeds that are planted, which the Lord
might eventually grow into salvation. Not that He can’t do that with only one
But as I thought of the ‘professional leaf’, I thought of
those that I have known in my life that would have all claimed the title of ‘Christian’
and saw the ‘professional leaves’ among them. Some that seemed to grow deeper
and deeper in faith only to wind up following all manner of teaching.
I think too, of the ‘church’ building I sometimes attend and
of how the very first time I went there, what ensured I would return was
hearing the preacher say ‘if it’s between Genesis and Revelation we can believe
it’s true.’ He spoke of how we should believe all of the Bible and apply it to
our lives. And so I returned. But on my last visit to that ‘church’ I discovered
something that was shocking, disappointing, and not the least surprising, all
at the same time.
In the ‘church’ library there were movies and books of all
manner, some by well-known TV heretics. Some that I know have been used in
teaching women’s studies. Recently I saw that one of the women that is very
involved with leading other women in the ‘church’ is posting things on social
media by a TV preacher that is a heretic.
It would seem that even a ‘church’ congregation as a whole
isn’t immune to becoming ‘professional leaves’.
I have noticed that this preachers style seems to jump
between Baptist, charismatic, possibly a bit of ‘name-it-and-claim-it’, and…who
knows what else.
I have even known someone that went from conservative,
fundamental, ‘Christian’ to very near Roman Catholic.
Even I spent some time exploring different denominations
when I realized that what I was seeing in Scripture was different than anything
I had ever heard in ‘church.’ I suppose it would have seemed that during that
time I might have been a leaf blowing in the wind. And in a way, I guess, I was
blowing in the wind. I was looking for others that saw Scripture as I did. And I
didn’t find any. So I blew around a bit. Looking. Searching. But never finding.
I can’t help wondering if that is what the ‘professional
leaf’ is doing? Always searching but never finding? In my case I did eventually
understand what it was I was searching for. But in the case of the ‘professional
leaf’ they never arrive at that place of understanding…or at least some never
get there. They keep blowing, bouncing from one tree to the next, drifting on
every breeze, hurling through every gust…but they never reach the tree that is Salvation.
Because they are ‘professional leaves.’
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