I have stated many times that I grew up in and out of
‘church’ buildings. I think my first memories of being in ‘church’ were when I
was about seven. Before that I know we were much involved in a ‘church’ because
when I was four the ‘church’ we went to bussed all it’s kids of school age to
another town about two hours away to go to a ‘christian’ school at another
‘church’. I don’t remember that time but I grew up hearing the stories of how
the preacher and others tried to convince my mother to send me to that school.
She refused because of the distance and because of my age.
That refusal…by the Lord’s hand…protected me from what wound
up being a horrific accident that cost the lives of every one of the children
in that ‘church’ that was attending that ‘Christian’ school when the bus was
involved in a head on collision.
The only thing I remember of that ‘church’ experience was
being at one of the members’ homes and listening to the lone survivor of the
accident…a girl I believe was six years old…scream in the other room.
If there was ‘church’ in my life before the age of four I
don’t remember it. How often we attended and how involved we were in that
‘church’ I don’t remember. I can’t even remember going to ‘church’ then. I only
remember the screams of the little girl and the stories I grew up hearing.
My memories of actually going to ‘church’ start when I was
seven. As with most things from that time in childhood I remember nothing of
what I learned in ‘church’. What I do remember is that the ‘church’ started a
school and I was enrolled. I remember the other kids. I remember having to
raise a flag on my little cubicle desk when I needed the teacher. I remember
being allowed to sit on the tables anytime we wanted except when class was in
session. I remember coloring in my Bible. I remember the pockets on the
uniforms my grandmother made for me.
I remember too that I was ‘saved’ that year…that the
preacher gave me a Bible when I was ‘saved’…and I remember being baptized in my
school uniform.
I don’t remember anything I was taught at ‘church’ about
being ‘saved’ but I remember my mother helping to say the ‘prayer’ and ‘invite
Jesus into my heart’. I remember that.
I remember that that very concept was taught in every
‘church’ I ever attended. I remember all the importance placed on the act of
‘choosing Jesus’. I remember how every one of those ‘churches’ taught that your
very salvation lay in that ‘choice’ and in that ‘prayer’.
I have only ever been in one ‘church’ that didn’t teach the
sinners prayer…and that ‘church’ taught baptism as most use the sinners prayer.
I know little about the beliefs and doctrines of that ‘church’ because I only
ever visited it once.
What I do know is that you can pick pretty much any
denomination and with only a little research you can find out what they
believe. I have never done any in depth studies on different denominations.
Denominations, like other religions, are something I don’t feel the need to
understand what they believe. I know a few basics about a few denominations and
it’s more than enough for me.
I recently found myself in an ongoing discussion with
someone about Christ and Scripture. This discussion eventually got to the point
where I told this person that we may need to just agree that we both believe in
Christ and let the rest go. Not long after that my husband had a conversation
with someone he had recently met. During the course of that conversation this
man revealed to my husband that he basically believed that all sincere belief,
no matter the religion, leads to heaven.
In no way does the conversation I had resemble the one my
husband had. The only reason I use them together is because there are people,
whole ‘churches’ full of them that believe that any belief in Christ…usually
referred to as a belief in Jesus…will get you to heaven.
It’s as simple as that.
In every ‘church’ I’ve ever been in, no matter the
denomination, they taught that if you believe in Jesus you go to heaven. There
was the simple matter of needing to say a short two minute prayer but the important
part was that you believed in Jesus.
Belief in Christ is the basis of salvation. But it is not
the guarantee of salvation. For one thing there are different levels of
This people honors me
with their lips,
But their heart is far
from me;
In vain do they
worship me,
Teaching as doctrines
the commandments of men.
Matthew 15:8 esv
That verse tells us that we can claim a belief that our
hearts do not share. In other words our minds can hold to one thing, while our
hearts do something else. But it goes further than that. It tells us that men
worship Christ in vain. They worship Him for…nothing. It gains them nothing.
Because they teach the commandments…the rules…the ideas…of
men as if they are doctrines.
Sound anything like the denominations we know today?
There was a time that I had an interest in the Amish beliefs
and lifestyle. As a result I read what I could on them, even visited their
communities and spoke with them as much as they would allow.
During that time I learned that among the Amish ‘church’
they have what they call the Ordnung. It is a set of rules or regulations that
the ‘church’ and therefore the Amish community must live by. As I understand it
that is where they get the rules of how they are to dress, act, and live out their
lives. They, as I understand it, often follow those rules to the exclusion of
the Bible.
That sounds very much like the teachings of men’s
commandments to me. The Amish aren’t alone in their teachings of men’s
The sinners prayer alone is proof that many ‘churches’ teach
men’s commandments. And it’s proof that many worship in vain. If anyone places
their salvation in the sinner’s prayer, they are placing their salvation in
something that isn’t in the Bible. Nowhere does Christ teach that if we will
only say a certain prayer that He will give us eternal salvation.
Pick your ‘church’ building and dig deep enough to find out
what the basis of their beliefs are…then look to Scripture to see if they are
One such teaching is tithing. I have never been in a
‘church’ that didn’t encourage it in one way or another. Most of them pass a
little plate or bucket around with the absolute understanding that those in
attendance are supposed to place money in it. Tithing isn’t Biblical.
It was taught in the Old Testament but it wasn’t the tithing
that is being taught in the ‘church’ buildings today…and it isn’t taught in the
New Testament.
Most of the doctrines taught in ‘churches’ today could be
proven to be the doctrines of men if they were examined in light of Scripture.
But too many either don’t know the Truth in Scripture or
they ignore it in light of holding to their own ideas of what Scripture is or
should be.
You leave the
commandment of God, and hold to the tradition of men. Mark 7:9 esv
Even the idea of ‘church’…as held in our country…comes not
from what is taught in Scripture but from the teachings of men. It is men that
teach that ‘church’ is a building. Its men that teach that the attendance of
such a ‘church’ is mandatory. And it’s men that put any number of other
teachings in place and then stand before untold numbers of people and teach
those very things as gospel. They lead their ‘flocks’ by those teachings. And
the ‘flock’ follows along because the preacher and those in charge continue the
…In vain do they
worship me,
Teaching as doctrines
the commandments of men.
Matthew 15:8 esv
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