Not that long ago I wrote a post titled Peddling Christ. In
that post I spoke about preachers and how they make Christ serve them rather
than them serving Christ. Quite honestly this is a subject that I fell into
rather than feeling any real need to write about. You see, that post was the
result of someone asking me if I could take several verses and make a post out
of them. This person did give me a general idea of what they hoped I could
convey in that post. The rest…was up to me. It was a challenge but being as how
the message they wanted conveyed was a belief I share I was able to actually
pull it off.
From there I expected to be finished with the topic but
found myself writing yet another post almost as soon as I finished that one.
Then through discussions in life and comments on my blog I wound up writing
even more posts. You see…it isn’t so much that I set out to speak against
preachers but that I found myself sucked into a topic that had me doing just
that. I have nothing against preachers in and of themselves. It’s what they’re
teaching…or not teaching…and the way they’re doing it that bothers me.
Today…I was looking something up online and found myself
reading someone else’s article on peddling Christ. And once again I got sucked
into a topic I never intended to be in the midst of. But I write what’s on my
heart and mind. I don’t foreplan anything, don’t usually do any research into
what I’m writing about. I generally just sit down, put my fingers on the
computer keys and…there’s an article. It’s that easy…and that confounding.
I don’t know where these things come from except to say that
they’re given by the Lord…or at least the ability to do so is. And so today…I
find myself writing on a subject I never thought to follow any further.
The more I think of what it means to peddle the Word of
God…the more it hurts to even consider it. I don’t remember the days of true
peddlers, have had very few encounters with door to door salesmen. I do,
however, know the frustration of having people show up on my doorstep…usually
when I’m trying to cook or something else that takes my attention…and try to
sell me something I don’t want. I know the frustration of having them
repeatedly try to convince me to buy what they’re selling despite the fact that
I keep saying no. And I’ve learned the art of being rude by saying ‘we’re not
interested’ and quickly shutting the door , cutting off their protests as I do
so. It’s not ideal but sometimes it’s the only way.
I’ve had certain religious groups show up on my door and try
to sell me their beliefs in much the same way. With these groups it seems that
if you so much as say ‘hello’ they move in for the rest of the day. They tell
you there stories, invite you to their worship buildings, give you there
reading material, and…as I’ve had happen on one occasion…sit with you and tell
you everything they believe and why, all while reading to you from their
religious book.
As my grandmother is fond of saying ‘you can’t win for
losing’ with them. If you’re nice to them in any way they take advantage of it.
If you’re not nice to them…they take advantage of that too. And when you’re not
nice you’re left feeling bad about whatever reaction you give.
As I think of those ‘religious’ people coming to my house
peddling their beliefs…at least they aren’t actually trying to get me to buy
them…I think of what it would be like to have someone actually come to my door
and try to sell me ‘Christ’. I’ve seen the so-called preachers on television
that tell you if you’ll just send them money ‘god’ will do x for you. And I can
only imagine what my response would be if they were actually standing on my
door trying to convince me to buy their ‘god’ and his blessings.
But that’s what so many are doing. They may not come to our
door, they may not sit in our living rooms, they may not even stand in our
presence but they’re doing it just the same. They’re peddling…selling…’Christ’
for their gain with little to no consideration for the souls of the people that
buy into their ‘christ’.
It’s so easy…for most…to see the peddling that takes place
by those television ‘preachers’…although the fact that they’re still on T.V.
tells us that many fall prey to their peddling…but how many see the peddling
that takes place within ‘church’ buildings every week?
Many years ago I was a regular in a ‘church’ that passed an
offering plate every Sunday, they taught often on tithing and how it was
required, they printed and mailed out little envelopes with your name on it and
each weeks date so that you could ‘give’ your ‘offering’, and thy questioned
you when they didn’t see your ‘tithes’ in the weekly ‘offering’. They went so
far as to say that if you didn’t ‘tithe’ you weren’t ‘right with God’. But they
didn’t stop there. Outside of your weekly ‘offering’ they had near weekly
missions ‘donations’ where they profiled some organization that they felt the
‘church’ should financially support. And they put much pressure on each person
to do just that. I have even seen them tell the congregation that a certain
‘offering’ for a mission organization wasn’t enough and pass around the
‘offering’ plate again, all while telling people to ‘dig deeper’ and ‘give
Was that not peddling?
Unless it falls into the category of con artists.
The thing is…this kind of ‘peddling’ takes place every week,
week after week, in ‘church’ after ‘church’.
I was a one time visitor in another ‘church’ building this
past winter. My husband and I went for the sole purpose of listening to a quest
‘preacher’… that wasn’t really a preacher at all but a speaker…because he
speaks Truth. Or mostly speaks it. While we sat on the pew, in the midst of
hundreds of others, they passed an ‘offering’ plate. As expected many people
put money into those plates. But like with the ‘church’ I attended so many
years ago, they didn’t stop there. Once the ‘offering’ plates were collected,
they passed around ‘offering’ baskets. This time was supposedly a special
‘offering’ so that the ‘church’ could use it to help their members that were in
need. They explained how they used it to help those with financial problems pay
bills, get to the doctor, buy medicine, clothes…whatever they may need.
And as I sat there watching this ‘offering’ being collected
all I could think was…isn’t that what the regular ‘offering’ should be used
for? And since it obviously wasn’t…what did they use it for?
About a year ago I was told of a preacher that told the
members of his ‘church’ to give them the routing number on their checking
accounts so that the ‘church’ could pull their tithes out of their account.
I have to ask…do any of these so-called preachers sound like
men that are serving the Lord? Do any of the things I listed above sound like
something Paul would have done? Do they sound like something Christ would have
Do they sound like men that are serving the Lord?
Or do they sound like men that are serving money?
we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as
commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:17
Paul clearly separated those that sincerely tried to
preach the Word of God from those who were merely selling a product. The Geneva Bible states that verse as…
For we are not as
many, which l corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as
of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.
Notice the word corrupt in place of peddlers. The KJV also
uses the word corrupt. Either version clearly portrays the message that Paul
was giving…these men were taking the gospel and using it to their gain. One
implies the selling of it, while the other implies the twisting and changing
of it. As I read those two different versions I can’t help but think of what
we get if we combine them…Peddlers that corrupt the Word of God…or the
corrupt peddling of the Word of God.
Is that not what we have today in the majority of
Basically Paul was saying that he…and the others…was
giving the true gospel, they were speaking Truth with no twisting or changing
of it. They weren’t watering it down, they weren’t making it fit man but were
giving it so that it might man might fit into it. This was Truth pure and
simple. It was Truth as Christ gave it and it was Truth as they delivered it.
And it wasn’t being delivered out of some higher agenda,
out of some idea that they might gain from the Word of God. It was being
delivered from sincere hearts with the sole desire to deliver the Truth as
Christ gave it. Paul said that it was the ‘power of…salvation’ (Romans 1:16).
Paul understood what that meant. He knew what he himself
had experienced in his conversion and he sought to deliver the Word of God in
Truth and nothing but Truth.
A question we should ask ourselves anytime anyone seeks to
deliver the Word of God is…what motivates this man? Does he stand to gain
from what he’s teaching?
Paul’s motivation was to save souls and he gave up
everything to do it. He sought no personal gain.
If a preacher delivers a message while being careful what
he says so as not to offend his listeners…is he not corrupting the Word of God?
If he stands to gain financially in any way…is he not peddling the Word of
God? If he leaves out anything of Scripture because it might offend someone
or keep them from ‘coming to Christ’…is he not watering down, thereby
corrupting, the Word of God?
And if we have a corrupted Word of God…is it truly the
Word of God? Is it Truth as Paul taught or is it a mere facsimile of
Truth…one that will pull many to the wide path but leave few to find the
narrow gate?
What purpose does the wide path have if walking on it
makes you run head first into a narrow gate that you can’t get through?
Is this not what the many ‘preachers’ of today’s
‘churches’ are doing? Are they not pulling many onto the wide path by giving
them a ‘gospel’ with a ‘God’ they can accept and love, because the ‘Christ’
they’re peddling requires little of them?
And if the ‘gospel’ being given by these ‘preachers’ isn’t
the true gospel as Paul preached it…then is it the gospel at all? And what of
the preachers that are giving a false gospel…are they not false teachers?
And what happens to the ‘church’ when a false teacher
gives them a false gospel?
I know so many people that get every bit of their
‘Christian’ beliefs from the mouth of their ‘preacher’. They say things like
‘my preacher said’ or ‘my preacher believes’, or ‘my preacher teaches’. They
put their very souls into what a man is teaching them…and most of those men
are false teachers.
What then becomes of the ‘church’ whose pews are filled
with people whose very faith rests in the teachings of the preacher on the
Instead of the Church as Scripture defines it we have
false ‘churches’ packed with false believers being fed a false gospel by a
false teacher. And the Truth that they think they’re getting and believing in
is a truth that Paul wouldn’t recognize.
Jesus himself called such false ‘churches’ "synagogues of Satan" (Rev. 2:9; 3:9). Whether
or not the ‘churches’ of today would actually fall under that definition
wouldn’t any ‘church’ that teaches anything that differs from the Truth as taught
in the Scriptures be teaching a lie? And if they’re teaching lies and calling
it the gospel…have they not fallen into Satan’s domain? Scripture tells us
that Satan is the father of lies. And no matter how you want to look at that
we can’t deny that Paul warned many times of false teachers. We’re told that
they’re wolves in sheep’s clothing.
These false teachers are
peddlers…hucksters…that corrupt the Word of God. Whether they do it for
money, for man’s acceptance, to bolster their own numbers of ‘conversions’
and therefore their own pride, or even just for their own (false) sense of
security…the end result is the same…a perversion of the Truth.
And many of them do it while
claiming to be ‘called by God.’ Would God ever ‘call’ anyone to teach and
promote anything short of the entire Truth of His Word? Would He ‘call’ them
to sell it, whether for monetary gain or some man oriented reasoning?
The reality is that most, if
not all, of today’s ‘preachers’ aren’t called by God but rather by themselves.
They have some interest in preaching and believe that means they have been
‘called’ by God to do that. They then follow their ‘calling’ into expensive
seminaries to get man-made certifications that will allow them to send out resume’s
to apply for a job and thereby a paycheck to put their ‘calling’ to work.
Does that sound like a calling
by the Lord or does it sound like men following their own desires?
Once these preachers have
gained their expensive certificates and earned themselves a job through their
resume’s they may then begin to preach (and ‘earn’ their paycheck) by leading
‘God’s flock’ through the ‘gospel’ that they have been taught to teach by
men. They can use the very Word of God to create and promote a ‘gospel’ that
looks nothing like the Truth as its presented within the pages of Scripture.
And they preach not the gospel
but a ‘gospel’ that is found nowhere in Scripture. Paul himself saw this
happening and warned against it.
if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or
if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept
a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily
enough. 2 Corinthians 11:4
But it wasn’t just the false teachers he warned against.
He clearly told those that accept it that they are putting up with it. In other words…by listening to it they are
actually allowing it to happen.
How many Christians sit in the audience of ‘churches’ and
listen to a message being delivered that speaks something other than the
Truth? How many sit idly by and listen as the very gospel our Lord gave his
life for is corrupted and peddled…and do nothing. They put up with it readily
enough. They put up with listening to a message being delivered that isn’t
the Truth of Scripture. They put up with turning the solemnity of the Word of
God into a form of entertainment designed to draw in crowds, to boost
numbers, and to keep those crowds entertained so that they aren’t offended
and will keep coming back.
Was the Truth that Christ died for entertainment? Was it
so inoffensive that it appealed to everyone?
Was Paul beaten and imprisoned for a Truth that was
careful not to offend?
What of the many ways ‘churches’ fund their ‘ministries’
through worldly entertainments that are designed to draw in an even bigger
crowd so that they can line their pockets for the purpose of continuing the
perpetuation of the twisting and perverting of the true gospel?
Did Christ die for that gospel? Did He teach that it’s
okay to feed the carnal minds and hearts of people…rather lost or saved…at
the expense of their pocketbooks to further any form of the gospel?
And yet as Paul said…you
put up with it readily enough.
My husband just showed me a video about televangelists
that buy multimillion dollar jets…now I ask…what possible need could anyone
that’s supposedly concerned about the souls of the lost need with a high
dollar jet. If…and I stress, if…they absolutely had to go somewhere that
flight was required why wouldn’t they go by the cheapest flight available so
as to put their ill-gotten gains to better use serving the people that they
claim to care about?
One of the ‘preachers’ in this news video is shown
literally bragging of having bought not one but two very expensive jets and paying
cash for it. I have to ask what the people that regularly give their money to
this man think of his new ‘toys’.
But that doesn’t happen in your average ‘church’ some
might say. Maybe not in some but I personally know of a ‘church’ in a
mid-sized town where the preacher owns multiple high end vehicles and his own
airplane. And it was all bought with ‘church’ funds.
And what of the ‘church’ that provides the funds for such
…you put up with it
readily enough.
These preachers peddle their versions of ‘God’ and the
people put up with it. I can understand that when we’re truly talking about
wolves in sheep’s clothes…or preachers that teach such subtle differences
that a person would have to know the Scriptures well to know that what’s being
taught is a lie but what of those that sit in the audience…or their living
room…and listen to the blatant blaspheme of the Lord while hearing these men
tell of ultra-expensive purchases?
Even those that teach subtle lies as Truth are they not
men who have a form of godliness while denying its power (2 Timothy 3:5). Are
they not wolves in sheep’s clothing? Are they not teaching lies and therefore
leading ‘churches’ that have fallen into the hands of the ‘father of lies’?
I’ve heard many times…while sitting in the pew of a
‘church’…that Satan will attack the ‘church’ but I must ask…why would he need
to attack the ‘church’ when lies are on the menu of every sermon?
If anyone is saved out of such
a ‘church’ it’s in spite of the ‘church’ and not because of it. The Lord can,
and does, use all things to His glory. These false teachers and their false
‘churches’ may be responsible for the true salvation of some but it isn’t
because of the false gospel given within its walls…it’s in spite of it. It’s because that was the
method the Lord used to save one of His own.
But what of the false gospel
being delivered week after week from the very men that claim to be working
for the salvation of others?
They are false teachers
delivering a false message that has no power to salvation except for that
which the Lord gives to those that are his.
There is, in fact, a method to
the madness that is preached from the pulpits. While these men are in their
expensive schools earning their ‘calling’ they are actually taught to profile
their targeted audiences and to tailor the message to those that will be
They are in fact profiling
their audiences straight into hearing a fake gospel that sends people
straight to hell. But I’m saved, some might say. But I said the prayer,
another will say. I chose Jesus is the reply of so many.
And that last part is the
worst of all because it completely disregards the fact that Christ said you
did not choose me but I chose you.
Even still…the sad reality is
that most have no idea that Christ even said that. They don’t know because
they’ve been taught the false gospel by the false teachers and they take
those false teachers at their words. They lay their entire salvation into the
hands of men. And those men hand them straight into hell.
They follow the wolf like
slaves following their master. Where the wolf leads, they follow. And sadly
enough heaven isn’t where those wolves are leading. They follow their masters
(preachers) believing they are being given the gospel for salvation when in
fact they are being fed lies that get them nothing but eternal damnation.
There are two very basic
problems with what’s happening there…two things that are perpetuating the
system. 1) those preachers have been so indoctrinated with the gospel that
they preach that they don’t know they’re teaching lies to the very people
they believe they’re leading to salvation, and 2) the people they’re leading
don’t want to hear the Truth even if the preacher knew how to give it.
If a preacher actually got
behind a pulpit and told his audience that the prayer they prayed didn’t save
them, that their free will is a lie, that their salvation rests in the hands
of the Lord and nowhere else…his audience would quickly disperse. If they
made it through the first sermon, they wouldn’t return for a second.
Years ago I was given tickets
to go and hear a classical pianist. I knew nothing about the woman but was
told that I would love listening to her, that her music was amazing. I went
to the concert and barely made it through it. What I had been told would be
classical piano...which I don’t care for…was anything but. Rock and roll
would have been a better definition. The next time that woman came to town I
was once again given tickets to go listen to her. I made sure not to make use
of those tickets.
How many people that pack the
pews on Sundays would be sure to avoid those same pews if they ever heard the
true gospel delivered from the stage they spend so much time in front of?
You see…most of those in the
audience don’t want the truth. They want their false teachers giving them a
false doctrine through an entertaining program that feeds on their own sinful
They don’t want to be taught a
gospel that teaches a saving faith. They want a false gospel that teaches
they can have their hearts desires and still have faith. They want to be told
that it’s okay that they think of movies and food before they think of
Christ. They want to be told that it’s only normal for them to have reacted
the way they did to a certain situation. They want to be told that ‘God’
loves the things they love.
Because…they put up with it readily enough.
Paul warned… For the time is coming when people will not endure
sound[a] teaching, but having itching ears they
will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth
and wander off into myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4
People of today have turned away from
Truth and have followed myths. The biggest one that I can think of in the
‘church’ is the myth that man ‘chooses’ Christ or that he has the free will
to do so.
These same people have ‘itching ears’
that want to be give a gospel they can grab onto and because of that they
‘accumulate’ or follow teachers…preachers, authors, speakers, etc…that give
them what they want to hear. They have turned away from truth and wouldn’t
sit still to listen to it and they sure wouldn’t go back for a second
I sat in one such ‘church’ building about
a year ago and heard the preacher tell the audience that whatever part of the
Bible made them angry was the very part they needed to spend time in. I would
have to agree with that preacher on that.
But I’d also have to ask the
question…why? Why does that part of Scripture make you angry? What is it
about that part of Scripture that makes you angry? Are you scared?
Threatened? Do you see something there that shakes what you believe?
I saw a headline online a few days ago
that said a ‘church’ is ordaining homosexual ministers. I have to ask if that
really sounds like a ‘church’ but then I would have to ask…is there any part
of the Bible that makes those so-called ministers angry? And if so…why does
it make them angry?
Could those so-called ministers walk into
a church of true regenerate believers and be allowed to preach or teach any
sort of message? How long would they last before someone interrupted their
message to correct them using the very Scriptures that probably inflame their
And so there are entire ‘churches’ that
meet to support and encourage one another in the very sins that the true
church would reject outright. The people that go to those ‘churches’ do so
because their false teachers pat them on the back and tell them that what
they believe is okay instead of telling them that they’re living in sin and
they need to repent and beg the Lord to save them from their very sins.
But it isn’t just the obvious things like
homosexuality that falls into this category. There are entire ‘churches’
formed around certain lifestyles. The rich go to ritzy ‘churches’, cowboys go to cowboy
‘churches’, country folks go to country ‘churches’. They all have their
catagories and they pretty much stay within the ‘church’ that best supports
their lifestyles.
A farmer isn’t going to go to a ‘church’
that frowns on dirt getting on their fancy floor more than a time or two if
he’s having to go straight from the field to the ‘church’. He will soon find
a ‘church’ that welcomes him, dirt and all.
Sin is the same way. The sinner is the
farmer that’s looking for a ‘church’ that will welcome him sins and all.
What does that say of the preacher of the
church that welcomes the sin into their midst instead of rebuking the sinner
and teaching him the Truth of Scripture? What does it say of the ‘church’
that embraces the sinner and his sins with open arms because ‘God would love
They are false ‘churches’
being led by false teachers and being fed a false gospel that caters to their
wants instead of to the Truth.
I agree, and would go just a little bit further to say MANY see the problems with the name it and claim it preachers, or the false signs and wonders preachers or the prosperity preachers....but even more deadly are the ones that say many of the hard truths of the Bible, yet reject the power of God's Holy Spirit to work true miracles, and subtly get converts to themselves instead of to Jesus, getting their converts to believe that the truth can only come from his (and his close associates) pulpit. Many believe their every word and think themselves so much better and more holy than those duped people that attend those other ministries, and thereby become haughty a d even bigger devils than their preacher. Jesus alone saves, not any man that is put above us to preach at us. The masks will soon come off and MANY will fall away.
ReplyDeleteSusan, I agree. Wolves in sheeps clothing come in many forms. It is the ones that are totally dressed as sheep that are the most dangerous. On the few occasions that I catch a few minutes of a television scam,'s easy to see exactly what they are. They go on and on about wanting your money and how if you will give them money, God will bless you. I know there are people that are taken in by these so-called preachers. They send in money, and lots of it if the proliferation on preacher scam artists is any indication. What amazes me though is that anyone is taken in. How can they not clearly see what these men and women are? I have to remind myself that those that are taken in are blinded to the truth and they honestly believe (or hope) in what these men and woman are saying.
ReplyDeleteIt's the same way with the prosperity preachers, the name it and claim it preachers, the signs and wonders, and even the seemingly biblical 'church' on the corner. Just the other day I had someone share a post with me on social media about a large 'church' happening where many 'miraculous' healings happened. Or supposedly happened. The thing is, this person truly believed that all these 'healings' happened. They somehow fell for all they hype. I saw one picture of this event and knew it looked more like a magic show than anything from Scripture.
If it stopped with those sorts of things maybe it could be understood. They are far out there, far fetched ideas, that most people can logically see the truth of it all. But the wolves show up dressed exactly like sheep too. They teach truths from Scripture and they lead many, many people.
The last 'church' building I attended is one of those. They are a non denominational 'church'. The very first time I went to services there I went in with my guard up. I watched and listened for anything that seemed opposed to Scripture (as I knew it at the time). The preacher got onstage and said 'if it's between Genesis and Revelation we can believe it'. He went on to talk about how all of Scripture is relevant and important to us today. I wound up going back to that 'church' many times. I still have friends there. In the last year or so I have noticed that this 'church' is going into...I'm not sure what exactly to call it. Maybe denominations are better because at least they have a line drawn in the sand. They understand what's 'truth' and what isn't based on their denomination standards. This nondenominational 'church' doesn't have that. I have seen them use heretic materials to teach bible studies. I have seen name it and claim it books show up in their libraries. I have seen prosperity materials show up there. And I have heard them promote television scam artist preachers. And I've encountered all of this through only maybe two visits to their 'church' in over a year and through social media contact.
And the thousand plus people that attend services there every week are, it would seem, following their 'leaders' straight down this path of destruction. I recently saw someone that is very prominent in that 'church' post on social media about how we need more preachers to preach on hell and the truth of the Bible. Someone else, also from that 'church', responded with the name of the preacher for that 'church'. To be fair, I have heard him preach on hell, but also to be fair I have heard him twist Scripture, leave out very important parts, and he is the 'leader' and he allows heretical materials in 'his' 'church'.
And that's only one example.
Thank you for your insights and comments. It's always wonderful to hear from others.