Saturday, July 4, 2020


Years ago I was accused of being a cult with my husband, as in someone told me that my husband and I were a cult. I laughed at the very idea of such. I have heard of cults for the better part of all my life. I recall watching movies about true life cults as a kid. I remember news stories, often horrific, about cults involving mass murder, either inside the cult or by the government trying to stop the cult. I even remember when I discovered the Amish, that I greatly admired at the time, were a cult. To say I was shocked to apply the term cult to the Amish was an understatement. To say I was beyond shocked to hear that my husband and I, two measly people, were a cult was dumbfounding.

I was floored. 

How could two people be considered a cult. It just didn't make sense. I thought maybe being accused of being a cult was the direct result of what my husband and I believed. That made sense. Not. But...okay. We hold to Christian beliefs that aren't exactly the same as mainstream christian beliefs. So...maybe.

I looked up the definition of what a cult was an discovered that the definition no longer matched what I had always been taught a cult was. According to modern day definition a cult is two or more people. I don't recall the full definition but I do recall that it said 'two' people. By that definition, my husband and I were a cult. 

Okay. I truly don't care. I've been called all sorts of names in my lifetime. Names truly don't bother me. You can call me what you want. I was accused of being a germophobe when it wasn't the socially accepted thing to want sick people to keep their distance. Now...well, post Covid 19...I've had people tell me that I already know how to social distance and prevent germs because I've been doing it forever. Yep. Now my germophobe tendencies are the 'in' thing and I guess that makes me one of the cool kids. I've been called other names for sticking to what I believe. For not rolling over for the current views on things. I've been labeled as all sorts of things, even tossed into a political party that I truly am not in support of, simply because I hold to some of the same fundamental beliefs they do.


I never cared for that term...whatever. It's so rude. So disrespectful. I have used it before, though, and I imagine I will use it again. Whatever. Toss me into whatever pool you want to, label me whatever you want to. I'm not playing this game.

And so...I am a member of a cult. We are a hardcore cult. We have strict rules. Membership is closed. It is impossible to join the cult I'm a part of. This cult is friendly to all, but will adopt no new members. We will talk to outsiders, help them, encourage them, but we do not welcome them inside the membership of this cult.

It's called...marriage. 

And in my marriage, my husband and I have similar views. Oh, we see plenty of things differently but in the end we believe enough of the same things that we are one and the same and we are, but definiton, as of a few years ago, a cult.

That was my first experience with the new twisting of words. That word taught me that I can no longer assume I know what someone means when they use a word. I looked up the definition of cult today and see that it has changed again from what I read just a few years ago. 


Confusing. Useless. Why in the world do 'they', whoever 'they' are, want to change definitions of words. Isn't the very nature of a culture dependent on it's ability to understand others in that culture? My sister tells me that if I go to England and tell someone I want to buy a pair of pants I will be directed to the underwear department because the word pants in England means underwear. 

Our ability to function in a given society is dependent upon our knowing and understanding the language. The American language has been sliding downhill rapidly for a number of years. I used to think it was due to texting and other electronic conversing. It's so much easier to write out 'y' than 'why' or 'vacay' than 'vacation', right? I don't happen to think so but I seem to be in the minority. I also happen to like to write. There is something...almost the ability to use words to paint a picture. Like the stroke of an artists paintbrush, swish, I put words on paper or screen and a story appears. I can use words to share my ideas.

Even Scripture was given in...words.

And they are powerful. I recently had someone telling me they were reading from a new living translation Bible. Because I have never read one of these versions of the Bible I happily paid nearly 2.00 to get one when I found it at the thrift store. I brought it home and flipped to familiar passages. It was...


There was Scripture but it lacked the umph, the impact, that it should have had. If I had no other Bible I would use this translation. I actually chose to read from it last night rather than from any of my other Bible versions, meaning I chose it over the KJV, ESV, NIV, NKJV, Geneva, or the NASB. I did so for a reason though. I wanted to get a feel for how the text flowed. I wanted to see if this was the only Bible I had, would it be sufficient. It would. There is Truth there, plainly. It's just a very weak, watered down version. It lacks the umph that other versions have. 

And guess what...the weakness of the book comes through not because of the quality of the paper or the feel of the cover. I actually really like the way this Bible feels in the hand, so much so that when the time comes to part with it, and that time will come, I will have a hard time parting ways with it because I enjoy the feel of holding it. No, the weakness in this Bible isn't due to any quality of makemanship, it's purely due to the words on the pages. Words that have been changed, altered, watered down to make this less...impactful. Maybe it's easier to understand for some, but if one chooses this version they will get a changed version that has all the components but those components have less quality than if they had chosen a different version.

Simply put...words matter.

Words are powerful. They have the capacity to heal or destroy. They can build up or tear down. They can save or kill. They can teach or confuse.

And the ability to understand how another uses a word can pull people together or push them apart. 

There should be some sort of absolute standard for words. X means X and there is no changing that. 1 +1=2. It doesn't matter how many different times you have one item and you add one more item to will always have two in the end. It doesn't matter if I have one apple and add one more apple, or if I have one orange and add one more orange, or even if I have one apple and add one the end I will have two items. If I have one child and add one more child to the mix...I will have two children. It doesn't matter if they are my children, the neighbors children or random kids off the street, one child plus one child will always be two children. It's simple math and everyone knows that math is absolute. It cannot be changed.

Why then do we allow words to be changed? I had a young person come to me once carrying a book they were reading. The book was written many, many years ago and the people in the book were going to a 'gay party'. The young person was very confused and it was obvious to see that our modern definition of 'gay' was coloring their understanding of the story. 

The word was the same but the context and definition had been changed.

My husband and I spent many, many, many hours studying Scripture and the roles, according to Scripture, for teachers and preachers. We eventually realized that time and changes to definitions of words were causing some confusion on understanding God's Word as it was written. There was, we concluded and agenda behind the translating of Scripture today. The word church now means a physical building where people professing Christ are supposed to gather. Our modern world believes that to be a Christian means one must attend just such a building. It goes further than that though because one must also support said church and 'here' are the verses to back it up. But...what happens when one applies a bit of history to Scripture? What happens when one considers that there were no church buildings when the Bible was being written?

Words matter.

Definitions define one's understanding of what someone is saying. Truth is, or should be absolute. And the truth of a definition of a word should be as simple as one plus one equals two.

"The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is." — Winston Churchill

What then is truth? And where can we find it? When one has the ability to change a word, it's like giving them a magic wand to wave around. Poof! There goes whatever it is they don't like and poof, here is the new version. One plus one no longer has to equal two because this person decided that one and one can be three or five or 368. The absolute of something is only a sure thing so long as it is unchangeable. 

I need to know that when I am following a map, north is north and south is south. If someone somewhere has decided it would be better to move north to east and south to west and we will just get rid of east and west altogether and replace them with ice and soda...well, I hope you see how confusing that is. Is north now east? Or has east simply been renamed north? Is soda east and which way do I go to get to north east? Should I take the route that goes soda north? Soda east? or North Soda? And where does ice come in? I need to go north east to get to a road that runs south west so I guess that new map means I need to travel the route of a north south ice soda, please. 


Change an absolute and it might make sense in a generation or two, when the new definition is an absolute and everyone understands the meaning of the word, but in the process of changing it there is nothing but confusion. One must have an unchangeable definition of something for all people involved to understand what is happening and for the rules of society to prevail and to make sense, never mind the rules of God and where they should come in. 

When I call the doctors office for directions I need them to tell me to go north on hwy 2 until I get to hwy 4, then go east for four miles. When I come to the big blue barn I need to turn left and go three blocks to the south. The hospital will be on the northeast corner and I should park in the west parking lot.

Okay. That's a bit confusing but I understand what it means because north is north and south is south. I don't have to try to figure out if they are talking about the north as I have always known it or the north as it is now being reworded.

Homosexual 'marriage' redefined marriage. Dictionaries once listed marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Who knows what the definition is now. I'm afraid to look. It used to be that if I read something where someone said, 'my wife', I knew immediately that the writer was a man and that he was married. Now...who knows. My wife could be written by a man or a woman.

Truth is only truth so long as it is absolute.

The Truth of God never changes. Man may change it, man may weaken or redefine it, but it is only changed in man's mind, not God's. 

The world is, or has, changed it's definition of marriage. No longer can people know whether a speaker is male or female simply because they say, 'my wife', but God's definition of marriage has not changed. God defines marriage as being between one man and one woman. 

Where I found truth, there found I my God, who is the truth itself. — Augustine

God must be the beginning and ending of Truth. He is the one that defines what truth is. He defines the absolutes of life. No matter how much I may want to give my child an alligator for a pet and expect said alligator to want to be with my child 24/7, to be sweet and snuggly with my child, to watch over my child and protect it, I cannot change the nature of the alligator. I cannot erase the fact that God ingrained into alligators the need to eat meat in the form of things smaller than they are. I can wrap that alligator up all nice and sweet, put a bow on it, call it my toddlers security blanket but the alligator is not going to be my child's friend. Ever. They are natural enemies.

God is Truth. He is the absolute. He is the alpha and the omega. He is the beginning of this world and He is the end of it. He literally spoke the earth into being. He sends the weather, illnesses, sunshine, shadows, blessings and curses.

If man were given that magic wand to wave about and change the world at will, what confusion we would live in. Up is only up so long as everyone understands that up is up. The minute Johnny is allowed to change up to down, and Susie is told she can change up to sideways, and poor Willie changes up to puppy...well, gone is any kind of normal and nothing but confusion reigns. But if Johnny, Susie, and Willie are corrected on what up means, if they are given the definition of up as truth that is unchangeable...calm will reappear. Understanding dawns on all and even if Johnny, Susies, and Willie whine and complain they are told that one can't change the absolutes, that one plus one will always be two and up will always be up, then and only then does anything make sense.

God confused nations of people at the tower of babel. Where men had been working together, accomplishing, or trying to accomplish, something together, one might even say they were all working together for the greater good, or at least for what they thought was the greater good, in unison, and then...BAM...God sent confusion. He made them where they no longer understood one another.

I can imagine what life might have been on the first day of confusion. Men that had been amicably working together up till the day of confusion all of a sudden no longer knew what to do. They went to work that morning as normal. This one cut down trees, that one dug up rocks, another mixed cement, three more started the masonry work...they did what they had been doing all along, only when the tree cutter tried to tell the board maker that there were no more straight trees, or that these trees were diseased, or that they would have to go further away to find trees or...whatever they might have said, the board maker no longer understood them.  The poor tree cutter was speaking plain as day. He was saying exactly the same things he had always said. He may have scratched his head in confusion when the board maker didn't understand. Maybe he grabbed the board makers arm as the man tried to get a log off a pile of diseased trees that needed to be burned. Still, the board maker didn't understand, he was getting frustrated with the tree cutter.

While that was going on there, the masons were getting flustered with the concrete makers because the concrete needed more mud and less water and the concrete makers were adding more water and less mud. The stones weren't sticking and the men on the scaffolding up high were yelling at the men on the ground to watch out only to have the men on the ground step closer to the tower to try and steady it for the men on the scaffolding.

And all chaos broke lose.

Society only thrives when everyone understands what is expected and when new ideas can be presented so that all can understand them.

The dictionary can no longer be depended on to give the truth of a definition of a word. Just as the definition of the word cult was changed so that it was no longer what I understood the word to mean, and just as the definition of marriage has no doubt changed in the pages of modern dictionaries... I saw an article today, I have no idea how old it was, that said a woman petitioned Merriam Webster to change the defintion of racism. She wanted the defintion to reflect the new meaning of the word...and she won. The dictionary complied with her request.

Once upon a time that same dictionary defined truth as something with an absolute meaning, a meaning that everyone understood and knew to be true.  Truth was defined as "the body of true statements and propositions. Truth is the 'state of being the case.'" There was, quite simply, a one plus one equals two kind of understanding to what truth was. It was immovable. Unchanging. Truth is truth. Who really needs a definition for the truth? There is truth and there is...untruth. What isn't true is untrue or a lie, it's either true or false, real or imagined. Here is the line of truth, either you tell the truth or you tell lies. Sure, there were gray areas, blue is always blue except when you add enough green to it to turn it into blue green, then it is a mix of the two and might be seen either as blue or as green, but for the most part there was no wishy washy middle ground. Truth

Truth cannot be changed by the whim of an individual or a group of individuals. Truth is defined by something...Someone...outside time and place. Truth is much bigger than oneself.

Facts are stubborn things, and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. John Adams

Today, more and more people define things based off what they want them to be. Gone are the days when truth prevailed and a person used common sense, this is this way because it is the way it is and no matter how much I might wish to change it, it will always be that way. That is common sense.

We have medical professionals trying to tell us that masks are safe and necessary to stop a virus when studies have been done in times past that show that not only do masks not stop viruses but that they cause other health issues. Never mind all that though because I want masks to keep me safe so everyone wear one because then we will all be safe together.

Um, no.

You and I won't be safe together. I'm not safe when I put on a mask because I have lung issues that cause me to almost immediately have trouble breathing when I put anything over my nose and mouth.

The new definition of mask safety doesn't negate my health issues nor does it negate all the studies done prior to this time when the truth on masks is being rewritten.

I don't mean to use the current events of this covid virus as an example but it is simply one thing in a line of issues where truth is being erased for the sake of those trying to rewrite it into what they want it to be.

I'm not 'entitled' by the true definition, the historical definition, the ages old definition, of the word, simply because I do not believe others should be allowed to force me to wear a mask. I do, however, understand how the word entitled is being changed to promote an untruth that is supported by the new definition of the word 'entitled'.

Okay, enough current events and enough of my thoughts on them. There is nothing but crazy happening in all this covid stuff no matter which side of it a person is on. I saw something the other day that said 2020 is the new crazy, that people will say 'he went 2020 on me' and it make perfect sense. Yes, because that, too, is a new definition.

My husband used to like to watch videos by a man that went out and questioned people on what the truth was to them, what right and wrong was to them. I don't think I will ever forget one conversation that man had with a twenty something man. He asked the younger man if something was right or wrong and the younger man told him, 'if it's wrong for you than it is wrong but if it's right for me than it's right.' He further explained something to the effect of nothing is ever right or wrong as a whole but it is right or wrong based on whether or not it is right or wrong for the individual.

"In passing, we should note this curious mark of our own age: the only absolute allowed is the absolute insistence that there is no absolute." — Francis Schaeffer

We have reached the point where this line of thinking permeates the entire world, it would seem. I've been conversing with someone that has limited access to christian literature and has been reading what is available. This person told me that a good deal of what is being written is coming from California and seems to be especially erroneous to Scripture even though they claim to be christians. 

This modern mindset is growing so prevalent that even the so-called christians are growing more and more...out their beliefs. It used to be that society as a whole understand and accepted truth as truth and they followed rules and lived within a mindset that seemed to be governed by God's laws even if they didn't believe in God. An unbeliever might have rejected God and His laws, may have wallowed in their sins, might have partaken of things against Scripture but for the most part they did so behind closed doors or even in their own minds because those things weren't tolerated in society. There was a time that people in America were tossed into institutions for holding to those sorts of sins that were socially unacceptable and it was God's laws that laid the foundation for what was and was not acceptable.

Nowadays, though, more and more, even those professing Christ toss aside God's laws when His laws no longer support their sins. They twist His laws or toss them out completely when their ways come up against His ways. 

 My husband said it well yesterday, he said that it used to be that professing christians were enjoyable to talk to, that even if they were off on some of their Scripture or their doctrines were different, they were often still edifying to talk to. That is growing less and less these days.

I agree wholeheartedly with him on that. I know several professing christians and it's getting harder and harder to talk to them. It's getting to the point where I must either take a firm stance, avoid certain subjects or do some sort of fancy word dance to talk to them. It is the same exact situation I find myself in when I talk to those that do not believe in God, let alone Christ, at all.

Truth is no longer Truth even for those that profess Christ. Churches have bowed down to the alter of money and they have rewritten their rules and requirements, their expectations, to cater to the public and to pull people in their doors. Truth has slowly faded from the hearts of most that profess Christ. They have let it sift through their fingers like playdough, squeezing it into different shapes to transform it into whatever the people of the time want it to be. Truth...what is truth?

"What is truth?" (John 18:38) Even Pontius Pilot  asked that very question before sending Christ to be crucified. Why would a man in Pontius' position need to even ask such a question? Christ remained silent when asked that then but he answered in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 

Christ, by His own words, is Truth.

Ones beliefs determine what they are. My absolutes make up the majority of who and what I am. I cannot change what I was born as or into. That is truth. I was born on a certain day, in a certain year. That is truth. The sum of what I am is defined by the truths of what I am and of the things I hold as truth.

My entire life I have believed in Christ. Jesus was a truth for me long before I understood what truth was. I was raised to believe in Jesus but I don't recall ever being told to do something or not do it based on whether or not God allowed it. I don't remember ever being referred to the ten commandments for what is right or wrong. I knew lying was wrong but don't recall lying ever being a 'wrong' in our family so long as one didn't lie so much that others never knew when to believe them.

And yet...Christ was a truth in my life for...forever. He simply was. I learned His truth's along the way, little by little. My best friend taught me that lying was wrong. She showed me in Scripture that it was wrong. That friend, a Roman Catholic now, was a light in my childhood, showing me things I never learned in my own family. She led me to many truths, not the least of which was that Jesus was to be most important in our lives.

And so...that one great Truth guided me my whole life. My truth in life now is based on Christ. My truth is His word. As I sat reading that watered down version of Scripture last night, I felt it bathing my soul.

To be truthful is to tell the truth and yet our society no longer seems to know what the truth is. North is now soda because truth has been tossed aside for 'feelings' and what doesn't offend anyone. I know a self professing pagan. This person once told me that in their religion all beliefs are what you want them to be. This person told me that they don't have a religious book similar to the Bible because no such book exists. For a pagan to have such a book they would have to write it themselves and it would only be aplicable to the person that wrote it because the next pagan might hold to different beliefs.

In other words there is no truth in their religion. Truth is what they want it to be.

Christ said, "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth". John 17:17. 

What is truth according to Christ? He said He was truth and He also said 'your word' meaning the Scriptures are truth. There is truth in a nutshell. Paul said, 'I have decided to know nothing but Christ and Him crucified'. There is Truth. 


When one takes Christ out of truth...confusion reigns. 

The absolutes are gone and you are left only with what man deems to be truth.

...and ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free" (John 8:32).

What truth is it that frees us all? Is it the confusion of the truth in our own minds when our minds and hearts are their own gods? Can your truth be the same as my truth when neither of us have a guiding principle, not even a dictionary definition, for what truth means?

Time changes much and yet God stays the same. Death came to my life this winter. Nearly six months later I stood in front of a double grave, my mother in one spot, my grandmother in the other. They had been gone for months but standing there, looking at their graves, seeing what is and isn't left of them anymore, reminded me of just how much this world does change. In the same cemetary lay my granmothers parents. I thought of how there is little left of my great grandmother. There are few people left on earth that remember her and their are few of her earthly treasures still known.

I have stories in my head of my mothers mother and even of her grandparents and great grandmother. I own a few quilts made by my great and great great grandmothers. But...for all intents and purposes time changed, it kept going, and here we are more than six months after my mothers death when only her memory remains along with a selection of things that she once owned.

The world has forgotten her.

Her thoughts and opinions no longer matter. What she percieved as right and wrong do not matter. We are here for a time and then gone. A vapor. Fools who live in this fallen world, stumbling along, until 'this very night your life will be required of you', just like the man in Scripture that tore down his barn to build a bigger one so that he might store more of his earthly treasures.

And yet, day by day, little by little, definition by definition, one word at a time, one mindset at a time, people are attempting to rewrite truth and change it into what they think it is. The very people who are just as much a vapor as all the rest of us. The very people who will fade away and leave nothing but memories of themselves, memories that will be gone within a generation or two. There is little that lingers throughout time. Little, except for God and His truth.

The guiding light in a world turned topsy turvy.

The truth is not longer good enough. We need new truth, better truth, more educated truth. I've been accused of being ignorant of facts because I don't buy into the liberal mindset of what the facts are. I've been told I won't consider things with an open mind but...

Who defines an open mind? Who gets to define ignorance?

It appears to be that America is being ripped in two by two different political parties but if one looks deeper we can see the Truth of Scripture in:

Ephesians 6:12, KJV: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Even the changing of words is an evil that permeates so much. I cannot simply pick up any book titled 'Bible' and be sure that I am getting truth. Some are so twisted as to teach an entire different religion than what the holy Scriptures teach. Others have been changed to a degree but Truth remains.

I can no longer buy a dictionary and accept the words within it because 'they' have fallen prey to the idea that truth must change and so the definition of words must change along with how they are being used in any given society.

And more and more there is a mindset that anything is good so long as it furthers one persons version of what truth is. All the better if there are groups of people that see truth the same way so that they can band together.

I can't say as I blame them. Historically, even Christians have done the same. We stand on Truth based on the words in Scripture. He are separated from friend and foe, loved ones and enemies, based on our faith in Christ. He truly is a sword that separates.

There have always been groups of people holding to the same ideas and ideologies that banded together and became, I suppose, cults. The pilgrims left their countries to move to a whole new land so that they might have the freedom to worship Christ. In the dark ages their were groups of people that lived secluded from others so that they could worship Christ. Even cults, true cults, today, live as such so that they might worship in their own way, without interference from others that hold differing views as they do.

They all have their version of what truth is.

More and more I find myself feeling sorry for those that create their own truth. How sad it must be to live within a depraved mind that seeks for something, that creates it's own rules, that lives by it's own emotions of what right and wrong, even truth are.

How does one even go about figuring out what truth is without some sort of compass that tells them what truth is?

We might view these people as enemies, and indeed they are, but...oh, these poor, pitiful, enemies. They no more chose their path than I did. How does one come by depraved doctrines that teach and promote, even push, bully, and legalize, all manner of untruths as truth? How does one adopt the idea that abortion gives dignity to all? How does one feel sorry for a criminal while demonizing all people wearing a badge?

And those are just a few of the examples that I could give.

Where is the line for truth verses their own reality? Where is the line between right and wrong? Why is it okay to kill an unborn baby but not a person of a certain age? Where is the line? And how do they come by it?

Why can mother Amy kill her unborn baby, a living, soon to be breathing, person, up until she's 20 weeks pregnant, while mother Janie can kill hers right up until it is born, alive and breathing, at nine months pregnant? Why can unborn babies be killed, even the healthy ones, while born babies, even the ones with critical, incompatable with life, conditions cannot?

I'm not advocating for killing any baby, anyone, I'm asking why the people that push one thing as freedom of choice fail to see that it is only freedom of choice for the person that falls within their guidelines of what truth is. IF truth for them says a baby shouldn't be killed after 20 weeks gestation, that becomes truth and defines life for others. Others that may see no harm in killing a baby at nine months gestation, or one at two years old if said mother no longer wants the child. Why can someone go to prison for murder if they cause the death of an unborn child if that child belongs to a mother that wants the baby while in the same place the mother can kill that child, with no repercussions, if she chooses to do so.

Where is the line of truth there? Who defines it and why does one persons truth get to rule when it goes against anothers truth?

Why do some professing christians, even entire churches, accept homosexuality even though the Bible they hold in their hands clearly says its sin?

Why do the same churches open their arms and hearts to women that have had abortions even though the Bible they claim to follow says it's murder?

Whose truth prevails even among the professing christians?

Ever see someone react to being told God's truth when they didn't follow Christ? It's not pretty. Even those that profess Christ will often have a quick answer and backlash. We all fall off the wagon from time to time. Even the born again believers, the elect, are full of sin. Some things take hold from time to time and move us away from Christ. It is as though it is a constant battle, and it is, for our hearts and minds, our very souls, to stay pure and focused on Christ. 

I ache and hurt for the lost people that are assigned to live in a depraved mind and then face an eternity of hell for nothing more than being born the person God chose them to be. They are sinners. We all are. No one deservers heaven. No one deserves Christ. But for some reason there are some that are given that Gift while others are left to do nothing but wallow in their depravity and try to reason out truth based on what that depravity sees.

These poor people, these poor hurting souls. They ache and they search, they cry and they need, and yet they are hardened against the very thing that could save them. Their minds are darkened so that they cannot see the light. They struggle through life even when they think life is easy. Their is something their lives that they are always seeking and never finding.

And somewhere in all that the evil rears it's ugly head. They desire ever more of whatever it is that catches their fancy. They push evil ideas because they sound promising and helpful.

I heard an announcement on a loudspeaker in a store just a few days ago. It promoted the wearing of masks and said, ''spread love, not germs''.  More and more, I believe people truly think that's what they are doing. They are trying hard to offer love and acceptance, at least they think they are, according to their truth. And yet the evil in them cannot keep the purest intention pure. It always goes astray. They offer the wrong kind of love. They reject the Truth even in it's most basic sense.

They try and they try. They struggle and they reach. They change words because we need to reflect the 'real' truth of something. They change definition and society because those that don't see how mistreated or how wrong others are are ignorant and we must get beyond that.

Young people think old people are stupid for holding to the old ways and they fail to see that those old ways are usually at somewhat based on Christs ways.

I once saw something that said that the best way to get people to your side is to change something they love into something you want. So satan became santa by simply changing the spelling. This was written by devil worshippers. Truth becomes truth when one changes the definition of words, I suppose. No longer is a cult what I once thought it was. Now it means something different. Words have changed meanings to promote what others want them to mean rather than holding to the truth of what they are.

And somehow in the midst of all this mixup the next generation must figure out which side of truth they are on.

Even when Truth is veiled and appears ever changing.

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