This was written to post on Facebook so please keep that in mind as you read it. I have been doing my very best to stay off Facebook for a couple of weeks now. I have periodically posted a few things and come on my timeline for brief spans of time and each time I remind myself that I really don’t want to be on here.
Why not?
1) Facebook is censoring things they don’t agree with. They are allowing only the agenda they want pushed to be shared although it does seem like some things are slipping past the demons that are guarding the Facebook gates.
2) it serves no purpose. I can share my opinions on here all day long but all I’m doing is running my social media mouth for little to no purpose. Most of the people I care most about never even go on Facebook and of the ones that do, most of them don’t see what I post. Nothing I say or do on here will ever change anything but that same amount of time spent interacting with my family will pay big rewards. Friendships on Facebook are nothing but shams. I spend massive amounts of time investing me into others on Facebook over the course of a year only to have superficial friendships or passing conversations with strangers. That same time is better invested elsewhere.
3) because Facebook stands for things that I do not I am throwing my lot in with them by partaking of their services.
All that said, I’m sure I missed a few reasons but hopefully anyone reading this gets the gist. I refuse to use Facebook to alienate those that hold different views than I do, trust me I can do that well enough on my own in real life, because to do so feeds the beast of social media and I am a firm believer that it is one of the worst tools to ever come about. This tool, long lauded for keeping people in touch, has made people think more highly of themselves than they ought. But when that same tool self proclaimed themselves to be the ruler and decider of whether or not something is true or misleading, whether or not it’s profitable or such nonsense that the public should not be given the option of reading it for themselves if they so chose...THEY ARE STEALING YOUR RIGHT TO THINK. The demons at the Facebook gate are practicing mind control.
Our American rights and freedoms are being systematically taken away and even when the power that be witch doctors in charge of the country say one thing the demons running the smaller areas are saying another. We have a great case of the fox guarding the henhouse. Their drive for power has consumed them and our lives are no longer safe in their hands.
This holds true not only on Facebook but also in other internet form and forums, in businesses, in cities, in each respective state and the nation as a whole. Just as I was labeled homophobe because I stand against that sin, I am now labeled entitled because I have the God given, American constitution supported, right to be able to breathe without obstruction and the mentality to insist on enforcing my right. So I’m now entitled. So be it. Consider me entitled but give me fresh air.
They have brainwashed America into thinking “we are all in this together”.
I am not in this insanity with you.
I am not in facebooks insanity of thinking they are the judge of what is fact or misinformation. A fairly new term being thrown about, by the way. Pre 2020, when was the last time you heard the masses use the word misinformation?
I am not in Walmart’s insanity of making shopping more confusing and harder to do by encouraging mask wearing, which they will gladly sell you a box of for the average cost of 1.00 per one time use mask, or of having one way shopping. I go the wrong way on one way aisles. Not out of defiance but because I’m not watching the floor when I shop. Nor am I looking for little signs tucked at the edges of the shelving indicating the traffic pattern. I am shopping with the intent to get what I need and get out, not out of fear of getting sick but because I don’t generally enjoy spending lots of time in Walmart. I don’t consider Walmart to be a fun hobby. So I am not leisurely roaming the store watching signs on the floor that tell me which way I can and cannot go.
I am not in the insanity of believing America doesn’t have enough coins. Really? How stupid are we? We may need more people to break into their piggy banks and coin jars and put coins back into circulation, we may need to encourage people to pay with cash instead of cards to get coins moving again, but we are not running low on coins. Where are they going to try to convince us they went? Did coins magically start melting away? Do they rot after so many days of not using them? WHERE are all the American coins that we had pre 2020? Those coins filtered through our banks and government hands...where are they now?
I am not in the insanity of believing that COVID is so deadly that it caused all this other nonesense. It is a virus. It will act like a virus. Had the government and their witch doctors reported factual information, not allowed any government bailouts to anyone, and continued to count all deaths as they normally are with an added slot for those that truly died of covid, sure, I would be right there with you. After all, I was social distancing and sanitizing long before it was cool. I have avoided the flu like the plague for going on 20 years now. I do not want any virus. But now we have witch doctors being put in guard of the lives of the masses, these so called doctors get that title because they have been trained in the pharmacy indoctrination system of medical school. They are greedy and power hungry. They cannot tell the difference in male and female. Their god is science and money and they serve their own egos. They do not care if I live or die. They do not care if my loved ones live or die.
I am not in the insanity of the mask mob. I can read and do research, although it’s getting much harder to do because the internet is now so censored you can barely find anything that doesn’t promote the furthering of the current agenda. Pre covid there were lots of doctors and scientist published articles on how masks don’t stop viruses and the toll wearing them for long periods takes on your health. Today, we have only the agenda supported information on the safety of masks to research unless we are very persistent. States that were acting out of some form of common sense are now mandating masks. We must now wear them, not by due process of American law but by dictates of the tyrants drunk on their own power. Someone said the translators of the BIble mistranslated something in Revelation. It’s not the mark of the beast, it’s the mask of the beast. I sure hope they were wrong but here we are. The masses are “in this together” and must now wear their face mark, I mean, mask to buy or sell, to mingle with others, Some of the crazies are even suggesting you must wear them at home.
I am not in this with you. I will not be joining you in this. I must put up with your insanity and find a way to go about my life in your insanity driven mandates but...
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