Sunday, March 3, 2019

Turning to the preacher

Anyone that professes any kind of a belief in Christ that must make decisions by checking with their 'church' leaders to find out the stance they should take is not following Christ but men. One either turns to Scripture and God's word for answers or they turn to men's ideas. And someone that professes Christ has not made Him their God, their god is their 'church' leaders.

This shouldn't come as any sort of revelation to me, and it doesn't, and yet at times I just marvel at the culpability of those that profess a faith in Christ. It seems that no matter how deep their faith may seem to go so many of them simply can't turn to Christ and Christ alone. They must turn to their preachers, teachers, friends or...whoever.

They seek answers from men, be they dead or alive, following men and what those men say they should do about their faith, rather than turning to Scripture and following Christ and what He says they should do.

I have been thinking over how to write out that first paragraph a good part of today, have even debated on whether or not I should write it. The thought to do so was prompted by a private conversation I had with someone and I had to debate with myself over the wisdom of writing about that.

In the end I decided that I needed to point out, if only on my blog, if only to clear my own thoughts, how very, very, very is to turn to men rather than Scripture. Either one stands on Scripture, stands for Christ, stands on what He says is right and wrong or they are simply standing on men's ideas even if those ideas are based on what they think Scripture teaches.

I don't have all the answers. I don't believe I am right and no one else is. I'm not trying to bring anyone around to my way of thinking or believing but it does seem to me that if one professes a faith in Christ than they should turn first to Christ's word and not to men.

And yet...

That private conversation I had, the one where someone told me they must ask their preacher what they should do on a certain issue, an issue that should be black and white when ran against Scripture, still lingers in my mind. So many people must turn to their preachers or leaders to find answers to questions that should be easily answered in light of Scripture.

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