I can still remember the first time I ever saw a double rainbow. I was probably 17 and was leaving the mall. I guess it had been raining but I don't remember for sure, what I do remember is sitting in my car and seeing the most amazing sight in the sky, not one but two rainbows, one right above the other one. If I had ever seen one before I was unaware of it. For me that was the first double rainbow ever and it was...
Like looking at a miracle. I just sat there in my car staring at it, truly amazed. I supposed I was humbled that day. I always saw rainbows as God's promise and to see a double promise like that was...well, I don't really think there are words to describe it.
Fast forward many years and I've now seen a couple more double rainbows. They never fail to amaze me but it's the first one that stands out in my mind. I still love to see all God made rainbows be they in the sky or through a prism. I'll even throw in the rainbows made by bouncing off a cell phone screen, a DVD disk and most of all my wedding ring.
There is something so wonderful about God's rainbow.
On a side note and to go a bit deeper on what I said above, I find it enjoyable to watch the rainbows that bounce off my wedding ring...God's symbol of His covenant coming from the earthly symbol of my marriage.
For me, any natural form of a rainbow is an amazing example of God's promise. I don't know that rainbows created by bouncing sunlight off of man made objects can truly be linked to rainbows in the sky, created by God, but they are good enough for me. They lack some of the amazing qualities that those God made, weather inspired, rainbows have but...they are all God's rainbows.
There is a whole other side to the rainbow though. I don't imagine there is anyone with any ability to understand things alive in this day and age that is not aware of the modern, evil, sinful purpose to the new rainbows that abound everywhere.
God's rainbows are still rare, showing up only under the perfect conditions that God set in place to make them appear before us. The sinful version of the rainbow is man made and mass produced. And it's painted/printed on everything.
I actually like rainbows, really I do, even the man made versions. I love to see little girl leggings in rainbow stripes. They just make me happy to look at. Such pretty colors. So bright and cheery. So easy to match. They are the perfect clothes for a young girl. At least I think so. They work as pants, as tights, and did I mention they match everything? But beyond that they are just so cute and cheerful.
The trouble is little girls can no longer wear rainbow striped pants or rainbows of any kind without the hidden meaning behind them being screamed for all to see. Whether they mean to do it or not, anyone wearing a rainbow is promoting something other than God's promise. They promote evil...sin. They promote homosexuality.
I told my husband that I wonder how many people even think about what they are promoting anymore. Rainbows have become so prominent that they are now just the popular thing.
I recently saw a young relative wearing a shirt with love printed across the front in rainbow colors. I was surprised to see her in it because she comes from a Christian home. It just kind of took me by surprise because that seems like the kind of thing that would be avoided in the home she comes from, yet it wasn't. I know this family and know that chances are high the shirt was bought because it's the popular thing and they buy the in style, popular clothes and school supplies so that the kids fit in at school.
I found myself wondering if they realized what they were promoting and also knew they had to know. That left me to think they compromised their religious values for popularity.
Another relative recently encountered the homosexual agenda being promoted by a company they love. This person's first response was to voice objections to what the company was promoting but their second was to back peddle when I said their love for the company must now come against their love for Christ and they must choose a side.
It's easy to take a stand until that stand must be weighed against one's own wants or perceived needs.
Somewhere along the way the obvious, in your face, reason for the rainbows that now fill our society have lost their obvious meaning and are now simply the popular thing. If one encounters something with a rainbow and anything pertaining to homosexual sin they might...might...pause and weigh their beliefs against what they are seeing but when that homosexual sin is hidden behind a symbol that represents that sin but is no longer so vocally expressed as such then they are able to forget the meaning and it becomes...became...mainstream.
And so it's very much like the man I wrote about last week. He made the statement that a craft projecting with photos depicting homosexual men showing 'affection' for each other was done in 'good taste' and therefore he hoped would be loved. Sin is now so mainstream that it is seen as good taste or bad taste and it is accepted simply because it's what's popular.
I know someone that has a relative that imagines themselves to be of the opposite sex from what they are. The person I know spoke against people doing this and then said they might enable it for this one relative of theirs. Why? Simply because their belief came up against their loved one and rather than stand against sin this person would rather cater to the relative.
Most of my life my grandmother spoke against interracial marriage. She was very opposed to it and very vocal about her opposition. Then she had to stand to her convictions or cater to a loved one. My cousin married a man of a different race. They had a child together. My grandmother did a complete about face. She went from being disdainful to interracial marriage to not only embracing it but proclaiming to all who would listen that 'Jesus wasn't white'. Somehow, I guess, Christ's race made a difference in her ability to embrace what she had always stood against. In other words she caved on her own beliefs (whether they were right or wrong does not matter) and she embraced what she had proclaimed to hate. And in doing so she justified it.
That seems to be the case today. For a while their was much outrage and vocalization against the flaunting of the homosexual rainbow but now rainbows seem to be the popular thing and are embraced by the masses.
It is, quite simply, done in 'good taste' and therefore it's okay. Rainbows when adorning kids clothes aren't seen as promoting what they do. Rainbows when plastered on backpacks, stripes on shoes, or other 'innocent' places aren't promoting homosexuality, it's simply doing the in style thing.
Right and wrong only go so far when one's own desires and thoughts are the deciding factor in what is right and wrong. Even professing 'Christians' can only stick to their principals for so long before their opinion on what's wrong, even when based on Scripture, come up against their own covetousness or their love of family or...whatever has a stronger pull on them than Christ does.
And so...rainbows rule the world not because of what they are but because of what they represent and because Christ is not the Lord of the majority of those on earth. They serve their own god and it's not Christ.
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