As I have written these last few weeks, studying Scripture and writing out my thoughts, I have spoken many times against the writings of men. It has occurred to me on more than one occasion that I am sitting here writing while warning people against the writings of fallen people.
Today it's weighing heavily on me so I feel the need to write a bit more. This time though it is my own self I wish to warn you against.
I am but a fallen person. I started this blog several years ago because my husband had a habit of asking me about my Scripture studies and what I was thinking and learning about them. The idea came to me to start a blog so that I could write out my own thoughts. It would, I reasoned to myself, give me a place to pull my thoughts and learnings together and it would let my husband read first hand exactly what I was studying on and learning about.
Time passed and here I am. Still writing for the purpose of sharing with my husband. He tells me often that I am preaching to the choir but he also monitors the stats on this blog, seeing if others have come here to read what I am writing. Sometimes he has me write something because it is on his heart and mind, sometimes he has me write something because he feels the need to dispute what others are saying, usually he just reads my writings. Sometimes we dig deeper, discuss something further because I write on it. Sometimes I write on something because we are already digging deeper.
The thing is...I set out to write this blog for myself and for my husband. I made it public because it makes it much easier for my husband to access it that way and because there is much heresy out there and if I am going to write on Truth why not make it public just in case one person might ever stumble across it and be led to Christ through my words?
So here I am all these years later. Times have changed. I have changed. My understanding of Scripture is still the same but has grown deeper. And I am still writing for myself, it helps me flesh out thoughts and make connections as I write, and for my husband so that he can share in most of my Scripture studies.
Yet here lately I have had the thought of what makes my writings any different than any other persons in history? And the truth is that there is no difference. I am a fallen person. I live in a fallen world. I sin. I fail. I get it wrong. Hopefully I get it right more often than I get it wrong and I pray I never lead anyone astray.
I never want to make a cent from writing of Christ. NEVER.
I put hours and hours into writing these posts. I learn more of my Savior and His ways as I write them. I share them out of a love for Christ and His ways. My own learning is all the pay I ever need. I appreciate hearing my husband say he enjoyed what I wrote or that I said what he was thinking. I appreciate comments of all kinds, both good and bad, from others that happen upon my blog. It's nice to hear from people that drop by just because it's nice knowing who was here. If they can expand upon my thoughts that is wonderful. I learn more of Christ or more of His ways. If they challenge my beliefs, I am challenged to make certain I am telling Truth. Either way, I learn more of Christ and His ways. That is all the pay I ever need or want.
But my words are nothing special. The Lord has gifted me in writing and He has somehow made me where that writing flows easily for me. I appreciate that and I am, hopefully, using that gift for His glory. That does not make my writings anything you can't find within the pages of Scripture.
Please, please, please, never take my writings over Scripture. If you see something on this blog that does not mesh with your understanding of Scripture don't take my word for it. Study harder, dig deeper. Find the answers within the pages of your Bible.
The Bereans did not take Paul's word for anything. They tested what he said against Scripture. We should be no less diligent to make sure everything we allow into our souls is the Lord's Truth whether men (or women) write it or it comes from a Bible. Corruption is not always easy to see and sometimes deception is carefully hidden. No longer can we even assume that a 'Bible' is God's very word because the term 'Bible' has been applied to various versions and perversions.
Test it all.
Test everything.
Test every word I write. Make sure what I say holds up to Scripture. And should I ever be in error please point it out to me.
Thank you Lyn, I consider you a sister also. My internet services may be interrupted these next few weeks, so forgive me if I don't answer in a timely manner.