Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Why the writings of men, short note

I just wanted to make a quick explanation before my next post.

When I started writing on the writings of men I never dreamed it would go so far, get so deep, or teach me so much. I have loved this study and found it has covered everything from first century apostles and the giving of Scripture as it was first brought into the world to modern day 'reformed preachers', 'churches' of all kinds, and even fellow believers.

I am grateful to have had my husband at my side through all of it. We have studied and learned together. Where two or more are gathered, there Christ is in their midst has been so true for us in this ever deepening study of our Lord's word and how it effects His world.

I am so grateful that the Lord brought my husband and I together so that we might share our faith with one another and be given such amazing chances to share Him with each other.

As I have written each post on this topic I have done so having shared every step of my learnings with my husband. I have taken what we learned together and put it into words here on my blog, not for more learning but for the summarizing of what we have learned.

During the course of these studies I have had a couple of encounters with a reader that has questioned my reasons for not naming names in one of my posts. He accused me of basically being in sin with those that are sinning if I do not name the people I am speaking of. While I don't agree with this man's view on the matter I can understand that anyone reading my writings might like to know who I am speaking of when I talk of people that other's might know who they are.

After much thought and prayer I have decided to give the naming of names a try. I'm not sure how far I will go with this or how many names I will name. Maybe I will do it only in one post, maybe I will do it forever. I just don't know.

For now I am going to give it a try as my next post, which is already finished and scheduled for posting, was such that it worked nicely with giving the name of the person I speak of.

I am also changing something with that post. I am switching the title of this series of posts from 'The writings of men' to 'The teachings of men' because this Scriptural study has begun to move beyond just the writings of men and into the entire realm of what men teach and how if effects our understanding and embracing of Scripture.

And oh, how far men's ideas have gone and how deep they have dug into the very core of every person's ability to take Scripture for what it was when it was given to us by the Apostles.

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