Friday, January 1, 2016

I'm not a Christian

Years ago I came to the conclusion that if 'they' were Christians than I wasn't. Who were the 'they' that came to mind as I said and thought that? All the professing Christians that seem to wear Christ like most people were dress shoes. The one's that put Him on when it suits their purpose and takes Him off when it doesn't. 
When I came to the conclusion that we couldn't both be Christians I had no idea what the true difference was but I could clearly see a difference. And those differences were obvious. These were people that I had always been taught were 'Christians', whether I knew them or they were strangers I crossed paths with made no difference. The reality was that either they were 'Christians' or I was. We were simply too different. Saying we were both Christians would be like saying the sky is blue and brown. It can't be both ways. Either they were. Or I was. 
And so I began to think 'if they're Christians, then I'm not' and I no longer thought of myself as a 'Christian'. Today I know the truth of that situation. I know they are professing Christians. I know that I am a Christian by Biblical definition.
But what if I had never discovered the difference? What if I still believed that I can't be a Christian because the 'Christian' label that 'they' wear is what being a 'Christian' looks like? 
Aparently that is exactly what is happening to some people. They still believe they aren't Christians because so many people wear the title who don't fit the description.
Last night I was on the phone with my sister our discussion was of a Biblical/Christian nature about prayer and why God does or does not answer it. I told her that people that expect the Lord to answer their prayers in the exact way they want them answered and who expect Him to answer them right this minute forget...or just don't know...a couple of things. First thing they forget that they are the creation and have no right to demand anything of the Lord, that they are told by Christ himself to pray 'Your will be done', and that just because they want something doesn't mean that it fits in with the Lord's will for their life or the life of the person they're praying for. And then I told her that those same people think 'God' is just sitting by idly waiting for them to decide to ask him for something. They think that they can live life on their terms, wrapped up in their own selfish desires, and then go running to 'God' when they want something. They think that He listens to them when they pray despite the fact that they live their lives chasing sin instead of Christ.
But those same people also claim that they are 'Christians' and it makes those of us that are Christians not want to claim the label despite the fact that we are the one's that can claim it.
The trouble with true Christians giving up the claim of being a Christian is that Scripture defines who are to be considered Christians...
26 and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And for an entire year they [a]met with the church and taught considerable [b]numbers; and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. Acts 11:26 nasb
And it isn't the people that want to chase sin and live for the world then claim to be a 'Christian' because it soothes the place inside them that doesn't want to admit that heaven is reserved for true Christians. And so they go on be 'Christians' when in fact they are fakes.
A true Christian is someone that has been converted, given a new heart, that repents of their sins and would give their very lives for their beliefs.
How many professing 'Christians' do any of that?  

Around the world there are Christians that die not because they claim to be a 'Christian' but because they can't be anything but a Christian.
I just read where many so-called preachers are now using the term Christ follower. They ask people if they are 'christ followers' making some kind of distinction between following Christ and being a Christian. Trouble is...the so-called preachers listed in that article are men I would say are heretics. They preach a false gospel. And then they want to label what they are doing as being a Christ follower.
How long until the true Christians begin to wonder if they can claim to follow Christ...for fear of being lumped in with the heretics that say that's what they are? How long before the word believer can no longer be used by a true Christian because 'they' have taken it over so completely that it is no longer recognizable?
How long?
On the surface it would seem like this isn't all that big of a deal but it is. It's a huge deal. It's big because those I used to be...that know their faith is different but don't know why or how find themselves in a position where they don't want to claim the title given to them in the Bible. But it's a much bigger deal than even that.
You see there are those that claim that you can be a 'Christian' by believing in any way and then you get to wear the label, put on the name brand of Jesus, and call yourself a 'Christian'. Not only that, but you get a lifetime shopping spree to the store of 'Jesus' where you can get as much of the label as you want, or as little, and wear it when the desire suits you. And it comes with the bonus of spending eternity in heaven.
I'm sad to say that a good number of those 'Christians' will be looking at a 'heaven' filled with fire and torment. There will be no paradise in their 'heaven'.

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