I’ve written quite a bit recently on hell, Arminianism, false teachers…
My husband tells me often that I should only write when the Spirit leads me. And I try hard to do just that. This blog started as a place to organize the many thoughts I had about the Lord and Scripture. It’s still that but it’s also more than that. Not all that long ago I wrote a number of posts on marriage, so many, in fact, that I began to wonder if I should stop writing about marriage for a while. As it happened the Lord led me in a different direction not long after I thought that. Now I’ve been on deep, hard issues lately.
There have been things in some of those posts that I hesitated to write or felt bad for writing. The reason I wrote those things despite my feelings was because my feelings shouldn’t be a factor in speaking truth.
There were many times that I spoke of hell in those posts. I have warned against hell in them, posted sermons by preachers that warned against hell.
Now I want to clarify a few things. I’ve been accused of believing that anyone that doesn’t believe as I do will go to hell. I don’t believe that way. I believe that it is the Lords place to determine who does and does not go to hell. I have met many an Arminian that seemed to hold a very deep faith in God. I don’t, nor do I want to, know where and how they fit in with some of the things I read in Scripture. If they are going to hell…I don’t want to know it. If they’re saved…that’s wonderful.
Salvation rests in the Lord’s hands and only in His hands.
I simply write what comes to me. I’m sure that there will be many times that I will write something and I’ll get it wrong. And I’m equally sure that there will be many more times that I will write something that offends the person reading it.
That may very well be the case in some of the posts I’ve written lately. Those were hard posts to write and they may well have been hard posts to read.
If they were hard for you as the reader I beg you…consider why they were hard. What I wrote on was the Truth straight from the Bible as I understand it.
If you believe in any of the beliefs I spoke against…please don’t take my word for it. I am but a fallen person writing about the things the Lord brings my direction. Please look those subjects up for yourself. Don’t take my word for what you read, test it against Scripture yourself.
But I beg you…
Test it against the black and white version of what Scripture says not against any interpretation of Scripture that you’ve heard. While you test what I’ve written…please…disregard everything you’ve been taught and take it straight from the Bible.
Many a professing ‘Christian’ thinks they’re going to heaven when in fact they believe in a ‘Jesus’ that doesn’t exist. Test your Jesus against Scripture. If He’s the Christ of the Bible everything you believe about Him will stand true but if he’s a ‘Jesus’ created in the mind man then he won’t be able to stand up to some of the deeper truths of Scripture.
Test everything you think you know if that’s what it takes.
How many ‘Christians’ are in hell today because they believed in ‘Jesus’? Many ‘Christians’ have been lied to and tricked into believing in a ‘Jesus’ that doesn’t exist. They followed their ‘Jesus’ straight into the flames of hell.
I don’t know what anyone’s beliefs are. I don’t know where you stand. I’m begging you to examine yourselves. Not for me but for you. Test yourself. Test that which you believe in. If what you believe in is the true Christ you will only gain a deeper understanding of your Lord. But if you’re believing in a farce…you stand to gain eternity.
What do you have to lose?
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