I apologize for posting your comment this way but I was trying to remove your contact information from your comment and accidentally deleted it off my last post. My blog would not let me restore it and it will not let me post any comments on any of my posts. I am having some pretty big internet issues at the moment which are effecting my ability to run this blog, among other things.
Thankfully I had copied your comment before I accidentally deleted it. I am going to post your comment her as well as my response to it. Again, I apologize for the confusion and issues. Hopefully my internet will be back to normal by early September.
At the urging of a dear friend, I attended a 'church' today in my area. I expected carnal worship and was not disappointed. The 'worship band' was typical American style religion, the sermon was not much more than a motivational speech, a husband and wife were baptized as part of the means used to become a 'church member'. I was ready to get up and walk out, but I didn't drive myself to this service that appeals to the flesh and attracts goats. Then they passed the plate and put up bible verses on the big screen that deal with giving --- I gave NOTHING! I refuse to support man-centered organized religion. I talked with my friend on the way home and we discussed all that I pointed out as wrong. I also referenced to the book of Acts and how the early believers laid the money at the Apostle's feet and they dispersed that money to NEEDY,POOR believers! It never went on a preacher's salary, or anybody else's salary for that matter. It never went to pay for a power bill for a building that sets empty five days out of seven and only has occupants a few hours here and there, or to pay for a sound system, lighting, etc. There was a 'pot luck' after the service, I could NOT get out of there fast enough.
You are onto something that few have knowledge and/or discernment to see- organized religion and 'church' are NOT biblical at all. If I lived near to you and your husband, we could gather in yours or my home and we could worship God - that is true 'church'. We ARE the church, buildings are not churches, wolves are not pastors/preachers/elders and there is no worship leader or youth pastor in God's holy word. Yet, we find this garbage in many churches don't we? And NOBODY questions all this hype and showy, glittery junk that appeals to the emotions but leaves the heart unpricked.
I vow to never return to that, or any other 'church service'. I believe it is a great dishonor to God to sit through what we know is a stench in the nostrils of a thrice holy, sovereign God. Bless you for revealing this on your blog, may God use it for His glory.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you for sharing this experience, Lyn. I, too, have set through many 'church' services that I did not agree with. As a whole I try hard not to attend any now but will do so every once in a while if I am visiting family or something, although I try to avoid that too.
So much of 'christianity' and 'church' is taken at face value without being tested against Scripture. Because it is what is seen and understood as being 'Christianity' no one bothers to question if it is correct or not. What makes the difference in Roman Catholicism, something most professing believers will say is wrong and every other 'church' out there? Why is one wrong in their eyes but not the other? Neither one stand up to Scripture. They are all blinded to the Truth and will remain that way, lost in their systems, as I once was, unless the Lord opens their eyes and saves them out of them.
What a wonderful time we could have if we could worship the Lord as He designed.
May the Lord be with you in all that you do.
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