Monday, December 11, 2017

The 'benefit' of abortion

I have a relative that identifies as a femnist. Through that relative I have been exposed to some of the femnist thoughts.I probably represent just about everything femnists stand against and am certainly in objection not only to the femnists thoughts and beliefs but even more so in the way they try to push those thoughts and beliefs on the world while claiming its best for women.

I could probably stay busy from now until forever writing about how those femnist thoughts and beliefs are in opposition to Scripture and how they are have made things worse for women not better but my intent today is to cover one tiny bit of a single part of femnism.

A while ago I was looking at something my feminist relative brought to my attention, more to see just what it was this relative was interested in than anything else, and discovered just how vocal some of these women, and a very, very few men, are on the subject of abortion.

That didn't even come close to surprising me. Well, maybe seeing that there are male feminists out there was a bit surprising. I guess I'm sheltered but there are some things I just don't know and that's one of them, or at least it was. I can't begin to comprehend why any man would want to be in support of feminist ideas. Isn't that like being against themselves, more or less anyway?

Shocking as that discovery was it didn't come close to my other discoveries. There were women actually writing of unborn babies being little aliens or monsters taking over their bodies.

It probably comes as no surprise to anyone that reads anything I write but just for claritys sake let me just say that I in no way support abortion. I do not feel that abortion should ever be allowed. Under any circumstances. I have a 'Christian' relative that used to say abortion was only acceptable if the pregnancy puts the mothers life in danger or if it's a result of rape. I do not support abortion for either of those reasons. To kill a baby because pregnancy could be dangerous to the mother is to kill a child for what might harm the mother. I would die before I would kill my own child, even a teeny tiny unborn child. And rape...well, a pregnancy that is the result of rape simply means that something wonderful comes from a horrible situation. Yes, I truly believe that. That same relative that says abortion is okay for rape victims once told me I could not really believe that. Oh, yes I do. Babies are wonderful. They are marvelous. They are as close to true innocence and perfection as we can get here on earth. At least to my mind and heart. And a child that comes from rape is a bright ray in a black experience.

Okay, so I'm biased toward babies. I gladly admit it. Picture a happy little yellow smiley face here.

But back to what I am supposed to be writing about...

In all those comments, comments that hurt my heart and baffled my mind, I came across one that said something to the effect of how men are silent on how abortion benefits them.

I guess, if I really think about it, there are some men that do benefit from abortion and I'm not talking about the doctors that get paid to perform such grisly acts. Some would be dads are 'spared' supporting a child, being tied to it's mother, or 'playing' daddy. They are saved from years of child support by abortions.

But those weren't the dads I thought of when I read that unfeeling comment. I thought of all the dads out there that have begged and pleaded a woman not to kill their child. I thought of all the dads that grieved the death of a baby because the woman they got pregnant didn't want to have the baby. I thought of all the dads that never even knew their was a baby.

Granted, a lot of those dads could probably care less but I'm sure there are some that would do anything to get to save their child, to raise it, to love it.

As I write this I have a small baby sleeping on my chest. The warm weight of this precious human treasure fills my heart with love and my mind and soul with joy. These tiny baby breaths make me grateful this child was given to the parents it was and spared the pure evilness of the mothers that would kill their own child. The type of mother that cold heartedly writes of how men are benefited by abortion and calls unborn babies monsters.

1 comment:

  1. I am very glad you stopped by. I enjoyed your comment as always. Congratulations on the new grandbaby. Babies are true blessings that we should all feel honored to be graced with their presence. There is nothing like holding a new little life in your arms and looking at the closest thing there is to innocence on earth. The Lord truly blesses us when He entrusts us with a precious baby.

    If only all babies could be seen as treasures and anxiously awaited. Abortion is the most heinous type of murder for there must be a horrible sinful void within the heart of any mother that kills her own child.
