Years ago I read somewhere that the two saddest words in the
English language are the words ‘if only.’ And truly…if we stop and think of
those words…we can see that they are two very sad words.
Those two little words sum up the entirety of our regrets. If
only I had done this. If only I hadn’t done that. If only…
The two saddest words in the English language.
Today I read something that may well be sadder. ‘I’ve wasted
it.’ Those three words were written in a book (don’t waste your life) by John
Piper. Along with those words he tells the story of an old man that upon what
appears to be his conversion he says ‘I’ve wasted it.’
He had wasted his chance to live for Christ. That seems to
be the point that the author is getting to although he begins to stray from
that man’s story not long after those profound words. If the words ‘if only’
are the two saddest words in the English language…I’ve wasted it must be the
three saddest words in the Christian language.
Right now I have trials in my life that have left me
drowning in deep water, struggling to gain my footing… more than once I’ve
found myself asking the question I least want to ask. I have asked…why.
As I struggle through these trials I have asked not only
myself but also my Lord…why.
And I don’t like that. It grieves me to ask my Lord why.
Because I know that in His plan there is a purpose for everything that makes me
ask why. And I know that I am but the creature. Who am I ‘O man’ to question
And so it grieves me when I find myself questioning Him. But
I am a fallen person. I am flesh. I am weak. I hurt. I fear. And I question
even when I don’t want to.
How easy I could make a list of ‘if onlys’ at this time in my
life. If only this had happened. Or if only that hadn’t happened. But that
would serve no purpose and it would negate the will of God in my life.
And so I skip the ‘if onlys’.
Instead I struggle through the days. I face the trials that
come. And I think of how much worse it would be to face any day of your life
and to think ‘I’ve wasted it.’
Sometimes my flesh wants to think back over my life and
think ‘if only’ but then my spirit reminds me that there are no ‘if onlys’
because the Lord was in charge of my life…even in those times I’d like to
change. And He had a plan for me during each second of my life.
How much better to look back over my life and to see that
there is a before Christ and an after Christ. That there were days when I ‘knew
not what I did’ and that there came the day when I was enlightened and that for
me ‘to live is Christ.’
The ‘if onlys’ were erased.
And I will never have to say…’I’ve wasted it.’
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